Monday, February 7, 2022

Vax Counts


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a continuation of the dialogue with Bob and I deeply appreciate his keeping records in his location. In my location, we are running less young people dying unexpectedly at home than in the time when my brother died. The ratio seems the majority are 70 plus years old in about 75% of the cases with 25% in the 50 age category.

What I have been watching is something Erica Kahn noted on Rense, after she got off that Critter Kick, is that people were getting cancer after first contracting shingles. I did a search for the shingles links and 99% were confirming it being vax relate, but of course one Mockingbird was just chewing ass that the vax did not give you shingles. NO ONE SAID THAT. What people said is if you were vaxed, it triggered something in the herpes exposure which manifested as shingles.

My two neighbors who we hire to do chores as they have tractors both have had shingles. So am wondering if cancer is following.

I have not heard of any womb deaths or menstrual bleeding. Then again that is not a conversation starter. I do believe and will hopefully post on this that these vaxes were a great deal more involved than anyone has suspected and I do know the reason why.

Healing from the cold, not a cold, and a headache today, so not going to probably delve into the nuances of the mystery vaxes.

I am witnessing "recovery", but people have aged and had continuing problems in vax phat, psychological changes and aggression. The guy we knew who had blood clots and thought he was going to die, the blood thinner worked and he has not been sick this winter with any more colds and he has not dropped over dead. Again, that was one phase of this mystery synthetic advancement. It seems the people on blood thinners bided their time for whatever comes next.

Pay special attention to what Bob recorded in the time sequence of 2 to 12 weeks. We are moved beyond this now and that is what the future post will examine, as this is the no man's land we have to see the results of and is probably the most lethal and crippling time for people who were vaxed in the next year to ten years. Vancer and Vaids are a reality in this. Having cancer or a weakened immune system is not something which is not distressing on the human body.
Horses used to be worked to death at age 8 and people at age 65. The vaxed bodies are working to stay alive from the side effects whether it is shingles or anything else.

If in rough numbers that 50 people out of 1400 are dead or having medical problems, that is a pregnant 3% of a study group who talked about their problems. 3 percent of 100 million vaxed is 3 million people. Lay that on top of the "normal" ailment rate of heart, stroke, diabetes, organ diseases and that is a number of people who fit exactly the projections published here months ago on Bob's and my numbers for the short term. Those people's life energy was used like a major operation and it takes years off of people's lives. That is why this is important as after Ghoul Fauci gets done injected babies, the world is going to have a dynamic of another 3 percent at least of the population requiring more medical care and will die sooner than their 3 score and 10.

i saw you mention the vax counts a few times in recent weeks. i sent you some time ago
we have still been keeping count, so i can give you the current counts as of 2/2/22
I have been out of full time work for some time, but my spouse's business has stayed active
with plenty of customers telling their stories
84 unvaxed who had covid3 died (2 were elderly with other health problems): died WITH covid? died FROM covid? idk they had covid at the time of death1 blood clot recovered2 pneumonia recoveredall others recovered no problems but i think at least half of them had the flu based on symptoms and length of illness, but PCR "testing" told them it was covidall of those who had serious outcomes were over a year ago, in 2020. now most people who are getting it have had it before, and now its equivalent to a cold with no serious effectsVAXED roughly 140 clients(all adults) X 8 +/- family members each(spouse, children, siblings), representing about 1100 vaxed people +/-16 dead- mostly heart attacks, but some stroke, 2 "sudden" cancer, unknown2 heart attack-lived5 seizures with permanent stroke-like damage4 neuropathy: 3 hands, 1 legs4 blood clots5 menstrual disruption-non stop bleeding, sporadic bleeding. what is extraordinary is one woman was 60yr old, another 70, and hadnt had a period in decades3 have stopped menstrating18 various temporary side effects- get severe covid, extreme bloating, temporary paralysismost deaths/seizure 50yr old+, but some as young as 40'swe have not encountered anyone who was pregnant and had side effects, but talking about a miscarriage isnt something you would expect someone to tell to a business associatecounts are based on side effect occurring within 12 weeks of vax. about half the effects happened within 3 weeks of the 1st shot, some within 24 hourswe have not heard anyone specifically name myocarditis as a problem, but several complaining of non-descript heart problems requiring medical carethere are others not counted that didnt have serious side effects, but it was unpleasant enough that half the people saying they do not want to get a booster.
shockingly, many of the injured are completely willing to go back for as many boosters as they're told they need

Nuff Said
