Friday, March 25, 2022

It Sounds like a Vax Prion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

I was listening to Jeff Rense and Erica Kahn  discussing the vax causing tinnitus or the ringing in the ears and other types of tingling.

Rense thought it would drive people insane and that people would shoot themselves as it could not be dealt with.

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no corresponding external sound is present. Nearly everyone will experience a faint "normal tinnitus" in a ...

I have suffered from tinnitus since childhood. I do not know the exact age, but I was telling TL about hearing it for the first time. I was around 8 years old, laying in bed at night and it scared me as I was hearing this sound for the first time. To me I always thought it was the sound that silence made as that is what I heard when it was quiet.

I almost did go insane with fright that first night, but I just decided as a child to not listen to it. That is the advice I have for people and that is to ignore it or not focus on it. For all of my life I have ignored that sound. I think in some ways it is allergy related for me.

My hearing like most of me was damaged as a child. My left ear I can not hear crickets. I thought it was ok as I could lay on my right ear and go to sleep as I could not hear high pitch sounds. On the opposite, TL can not hear low frequency sounds, but I hear them very well.
My hearing was damaged in laying in my mother's arms while she drove a Farmall tractor. A 450 Farmall in digging when I was 12 did even more damage. I hate 450 tractors to this day.

I do have snot in my ears too, so it clicks when I swallow. The only time that abated was taking naprxim sodium in horse sized doses for another ailment.

I get through life in ignoring what is wrong with me, because if I focused on thing I could not function.

It does not sound like much of a cure to ignore things, but that is the way life is.

My condition has not worsened in being hosed down with the virus in my ears singing. My eyes are another story, but ruining my vision in trying to get donations for  this blog is the trade off. Nothing else can be done, so without options that is what the solution is.

 I'm grateful that Rense put the sounds up, because it was the first time I heard what I could not explain to TL or others. TO me it sounds like a million needles falling on the floor,  glass shattering, but nothing comes close to the description. The sound Rense had on was what I hear.

What is going on with the vaxed is the prion in the brain. I know I have inflammation which affects my eyes, ears and sinus which then presses on my brain. For the vaxed they are experiencing nerve damage.

For most people they have never had pains or had problems with their health. This is new to them while someone like me, I have dealt with pain my entire life. I had an asshole gestapo phy ed coach when I was 7 make me run laps when I was suffering from inflamed bowel. You simply have to be like a Vulcan and use your mind to will yourself through and shut out the things which hurt. I have problems with head pain as that is difficult for me to concentrate as it makes my head hurt worse.

I get buy with the sound in either an electric type fan, music or whatever to get to sleep sometimes, but in most cases I have automatically trained myself to not hear it. As I type this, the sounds are deafening as I have made myself aware of it. It does get in the way with listening to auras as that is the same type frequency in hearing people.........people though are a wet sound, tinnitus is a dry sound.

To get through this, you are going to have to train yourself to ignore things. Star Trek for me was not entertainment, I literally modeled part of me in will, after the Vulcan. The mind can overcome a great deal. I displease TL often when TL is hot, in I tell TL to "Think cool". It is how I cope with life. I pray. I shut down my senses. I exist in Spirit. I realize this is hard for people who have coasted their entire lives to try and develop ability, but what else can be done. Giving up and giving in is not a solution. You distract yourself and you learn to live life. I'm ignoring a quite painful lower intestine issue as I type this. There are no medicatios of this, so the medication is the mind. If I had less stress most of this shit would not be affecting me in the levels it has, but I have to shepherd you children and brats along as you are not capable in dealing with this as you have problems with the easy things.

OK that is how I have worked to deal with this, to learn how to live and not exist.

I hope this helps.

Nuff Said
