As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was sent this link from Q Peters and I would first state that I do not live in a Red State as name changed by comrade Tim Russert of NBC of REAGAN BLUE STATES. I live in a Blue State and am not going to be led around by pinko commies telling me I live in a red state.
My voice is not red voice. This blog is not a red blog. The Lame Cherry is Ronald Reagan BLUE as it was for real Republicans since colour boards appeared in politics.
With that the Q was doing a show with a gun guy about farming. I don't quite get what a gun guy knows about USDA ag policy, but it was about the staged fertilizer shortage in America which will soak the big farmers, NOT THE CORPORATE SYNDICATES who all need weapon's grade fertilizer and herbicide for their Monsanto Bayer genetics.
I'm not going to rehearse again about ag shortages which are planned so the Conglomerates of UCA can bankrupt farmers, seize the land and use robotics. I have done that years ago. What I desire to address is the USDA and what it is like to be a farmer.
Years ago the USDA sent out a demand that all people with livestock had to have a PREMISIS TAG in order to market livestock. I called that whipsnapper John Thune and he blew me off. Said it was not really mandatory, but if it was, he would do something. OK what a load a shit from this Jan6 faker.
For all the World War generation, in productiion agriculture American farmers lived in the Soviet system of cheap food for city people, and the USDA told you how many acres of what you could plant. That disappeared under Ronald Reagan, but it is a fact of life on American farms.
Now for an insider view which the DIA's Q and Durdin Bros will never know.
I asked my cousin the other day abour fertilizer and she said "Oh we locked that in last July already so we have all we need for supply". I was thankful for that, but she and her husband stated that they knew their farm and all of their farms were being targeted.
Expenses on farms are something to make a person cringe. Instead of tires, they have tracks like tanks now and I think her husband said they needed new ones and they were 75,000 dollars. Yes that is a bit more than a 600 dollar tire.
As my other cousin and I have begun trying to restore the land she purchased from her dad, I was put in a position of going out on a limb, as I;m not made of money from non donations. We planted soybeans which are expensive, half did not come up in the drought, we go rain, and the other half germinated. Soybeans are forgiving to a point.
About June, the local USDA skirt started sending letters about "Sign up now or you will not get your crop protection". That is how they rope the big farmers into things in they sign over control of their crops to the government to get subsidies which are generous.
I informed my cousin to just tell them, "We are converting to wildlife so we are not in need of any programs." That ended it.
See on the few acres we have here, I have not been in any program for years. Last year I stepped out in something called FAITH. Either you trust God to provide for you ad watch over you, or you do not. I knew I was going to have a big bill and loss if God did not bless the situation, but I was not going to not live by Faith. Either you live by Faith or you are all bullshit like most people.
Well it was dry, it started off bad, it got worse and God directed HAARP storms to not destroy us, but to drop too much rain on us to get us through weeks of drought. We got a monsoon in August in last flowering stage and the it got liek 25 inches wet, but got dry enough in a window that our neighbor could knock the beans out.
My cousin texted us that they got 47.5 bushels per acte in beans. That was better than her neighbors. She is a Protestant Lutheran as is her husband. When our tally came in, with God, we were blessed with just shy of 50 bushels an acre. That is as good as beans ever get, and we did not spray (Mistake on my part as I thought our neighbor did it, but it must have been drift from another wheat field as the asparagus wilted.), so in putting things into God's hands, with all pressure on me as I was telling my cousin about our Faith walk in God, God for His Name prospered. I thank God for that.
Like most people, most farmers have no Faith any more, so they fuck around with government programs, and are enslaved, and always reporting what is going on, on their land. I did laugh at my cousin though in we are required to fill out a farm census yearly, so she doesn't and when they call to hound her, she says, "We are sorry, but it is farm policy here that we do not fill out this form".
Yes the United Conglomerate America of these Communazi are coming after all of us, but either you walk in Faith or you do not.
I'm really upset with my cousin's land that we farmed last year, because it is dead. It does not smell like dirt. There is not an insect or worm to be found in that soil. It is beyond sad that the microbes are all destroyed by Monanto Round Up, What pissed me off worse was the renter was fucking around with the spraying doing a half assed job, so when the soil was moved, weeds came up like they were the crop.
I have seen no till farming all around me, and when it is done right, there really are not any weeds that sprout for years. This is what I was banking on, but it is jsut a super weed patch in trying to deal with that asshole's misuse of the land. He literally destroyed the soil and made super weeds. What a fuck head of the government programs.
So yes there is a target on American farminng as Q noted, but his source has no idea the issues in this or what is taking place. I'm still doing the tight wire act here in not having any resources and trying to convert things over away from sterilized agriculture. God is going to have to make up for the devil stealing time.
See most people talk a good game about being someone who loves freedom and responsible liberty, but most people bind themselves to slavery, because they do not trust God. That mask and vax signed on the flesh is a perfect example of the lack of Faith. All I know is I will never go into any Goddamn regime programs as no one is going to hold me hostage to their manifesto and as long as I'm not breaking any laws of God or man, it is no agencies business what the hell I'm doing on land I am extorted money from to live on it in property taxes.
This is all about the Faith in God for His Creation. The Faith not of the mustard seed, nor of the Bread of Life in Chirst, but the bread of this life.
It is what I choose. I chose to listen to God, to obey His answer, to listen to our neighbor when he said, "You plant wheat on corn ground now and you are going to get disease". So it was toxic soybeans without the toxic fertilizer and toxic sprays. I did not do things the regime way nor my idea for the year. I had to wait and do things Gods Way.
That is the Faith of the Wheat Seed which most do not have and I had to wait two years to plant it.
Nuff Said