As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When I saw the photo of Dictator Biden being boosted a second time, what the Holy Ghost had leap out at me was Joe Biden's arm is muscular, there is no sagging skin and he has no age spots.
For those of you who require a memory test, Joe Biden in 2020 in having the election stolen from America, was sucking on his wife's fingers, was holed up in the basement and on inauguration day he got lost. In being installed, he was mumbling, he almost killed himself falling down stairs, he was dazed and confused.
The past months though he has changed and is alert, forceful and not shitting his pants in public.
The fact is the black weird eyes of Joe Biden and his shaking hands from Parkinsons have vanished and Biden looks young, and by his arm, he has the arm of a 20 year old athlete.
Joe Biden is basically 80 years old. Below is a photo of a typical 80 something man and woman, with a normal healthy woman to remind you of what old and young looks like.
This is a comparison of Joe Biden's arm taking the duce boost and the typical elderly male with loss of muscle, bones protruding and the aging process with diminishing testosterone and activity.
You can even see the old man waistline in his spine is shrinking, and there is loss of weight so pants are pulled up, but in contract Biden has a fat gut on him in he has no gained weight and Joe Biden does not need suspenders to hold his pants up tit high.
It is a given that Joe Biden is receiving something drastic in treatment, beyond methamphetamine for his Parkinsons and senility. The Dictator constantly goes back to Delaware every weekend and the conclusion is he is hooked up to some treatment all weekend there with drastic results in improvement.
Hillary Clinton was the same condition in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord and is now bouncing around like a 50 year old again. The rumor has it that this is the baby blood concoction infused into these peoples systems. Whatever is taking place there are only two realities possible.
Reality 1: This is not Joe Biden and is instead some skinwalker replacement as Birther Hussein had manufactured.
Reality 2: Dictator Biden has been infused with some reverse aging treatments and they are working.
Here is a photo of Joe Biden from 2019 on one of his "good" days, but this was 3 years ago, if the photo is not older still, but you can see Joe Biden has skinny old man arms, not the hulk of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.
Hell his hands are not the same, his face is not the same.
I'm not going to inquire on this, but what is taking place with Dictator Biden is abnormal as the voting was.
The Lame Cherry though appreciates the evidence as this fountain of youth appears to have side effects, in it gains weight, it grows muscle and mimics what looks like a steroids. That treatment progresses to activating cancers.
All of this is on display now and can not be denied. The question is why is Joe Biden getting younger?
A select group have been administered something, so some treatment is out there.
Nuff Said