Saturday, April 16, 2022

Worms in the Crax


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly have had it.

I remember as a kid, the Mother had crackers like everyone had crackers. You never ate the damn things as who ate soda crackers. They were always there for soup, but no one like the mother's soup as she was lazy and had bones in the soup and grease you could walk upon on top. Yes soup used to make me sick to my stomach for years, until I started making soup and then my soups made what you get int the store taste like oatmeal that was in the cupboard for 10 years as no one ate that shit either.

The thing was about those soda crackers, they never went stale or anything else. Hell Noah could have had a box and they would have tasted the same today. Now though, it is more bullshit like some companies put mold enzymes in bread so it molds, so you have to purchase new bread.

The new design is you get these worms in crackers. They are not just worms, they eat holes through the plastic. Shit in the crackers, leave like silk webs in the crackers and you really can't convince yourself to eat crackers you blow off, and there are things dangling from them yet. This is all by design like Ford making vehicles with two fuel pumps and both would go out, and it would cost 600 bucks to gouge your ass and most people just junked the vehicle, because you had to take the gas tank off and drain it. Yes Ford assholes you are going to hear about this forever in what shit you make just like the Chinese.

Sure they tell you that these are pantry moths. No they are not, as pantry moths have brown larva and these are white. I'm just fed up with this shit being put into our food to make you buy more product as nothing is made to sit on the shelf as there is not any money in that.

I just wonder what asshole at Keebler comes up with this. I say Keebler, because you know there is not a  generic cracker factory out there. It is all contract work in someone in the Fortune 5 makes the generic shit.

So some big eggs from India sits at the board table and does this curry nig talk and Asians think making shitting products for profit nod it is a good idea and the White Priv at the table agree as they are doing all the work and do not want to be woke replaced. So the curry nig says, "Let's put in worm eggs into our crackers so we can sell 10% more product when the worms hatch.

I mean where do you got to get worm eggs? Is there some secret plantation of vermin that curry nigs phone up and order in a truckload to spread on the crackers afterwards? You know it is afterwards because no egg is going to survive a oven heat. Same with cereal and anything. If there are worms in it, they are appearing after the product is baked.

Or is it they have a cracker worm room, where crackers are left out in the open before packaging so the moths can lay eggs on them? It is probably some kind of deal where the shit crackers are in some room being contaminated and then several are salted into each package and that is how the game is played to screw you over.

You know, Teddy Roosevelt came up with clean food, like the FDA. People used to make chocolate and would spit tobacco juice into it. 

Sorry.........I was just eating some Chex mix and not looking and I got something big, soft and it seemed like a worm even if it tasted like a peanut. See there are probably peanut worms too and you end up buying that expensive protein twice.

I will leave this at that, as the FDA is shit for a job now in no one does their job. I suppose if I was a curry nig and some cracker baron paid me 5 million a year to make worm crackers which forced people to buy Keeblers, I would laugh all the way back to the Ganges too. Nothing like feeding White people worms to make a 3rd worlders day.
