Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Beaner Boy of Texas Massacres


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Reverse Speech pioneer David John Oats reversed the gimp Governor Abbott of Texas. This poor orphan girl has warned all of you to not trust Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis and Gimp Abbott. Noem is weeding out "right wing Republicans" in South Dakota. DeSantis is protraying the Jeb Bush ring winger ideas for now and this Gimp Abbott is engaged in destroying the American oil sector in assisint Germans to build hydrogen fuel in Texas for a global grid that only the rich can have cars that run.

It is what Mr. Oates found though on Gimp Abbott which suggests things that the Lame Cherry noted immediately that questioned why a door was propped open by a teacher, and then Texas law dogs were pepper spraying parents to keep them from rescuing their children as they stood around an hour doing nothing as this Beaner Boy shot people. I will not go into Alex Jones Sandy Hook theories as this blog has never stated that people are not murdered in these events. What this blog questions are the supporting realities as in the Cruz case in Florida where other armed men in black were noted.

It is in Governor Gimp Abbott though that some extraordinary reversals have manifested. In every reversal, the Gimp is stating that this was a staged event. His first reversal defines this school shooting as a hoax.

The question in Gimp's reversals is why is he calling the parents fakes for crying. It is as troubling as the Texas Top Cop stating they faked it.

Beaner Boy's grandfather's reversals are as troubling as he is talking about molesting children and something about the grandmother being set up to be murdered.

Gimp Governor Abbott

Days before some were receiving awards - Hoax sell

These kids will never attend school again - They hear lie we seal with this.

All Texas must come together - Mock some

The gunmen entered - Then they see a walk

The second post was -  Enemy fit the sell

There are family members crying as we speak - Their fraud

Make sure schools are safer - Yes the double deal's set

Texas Top Cap

When the shooting began - They lost and keep them all

The officers saved the other kids - Wide net we fake it

We have yet to find and indicator - They lay down but back in it

Shooter's Grandfather

They think they know kids now days - Molesting will I see Yoni (term for female genitals)

I would carry him - I lead the way you woman

They had a - The love we lost

I didn't know he had weapons - Yes have a savior

I can not be around guns -  That's not worried planned this out

A Witness

What could I have done different - You seek a geek (Was the geek the set up Beaner Boy.)

What Mr. Oates is finding out is the same con which Dr. Anthony Fauci spewed for 2 years over Covid.

It is what it is.

Nuff Said
