Monday, May 23, 2022

Biden's Therapy Is Not Working Any Longer

No need  for an expensive dentist, I can get those wisdom teeth out.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The life enhancing therapy which Dictator Joe Biden has been receiving to recover from his falling down stairs, sound mentally sound, has reached it's limits. From the shaming of Biden by Obama and Harris, where Biden wandered around isolated and lost to the clip below. shows a new deterioration of Dictator Biden.

The Dictator is in retrograde.

Biden: “America as a nation can be defined as a single word: f*%#€£... excuse me, I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don't know that for a fact.”

The strangest thing about the Biden statement is this is the first time in all of his plagiarism and lying that he confessed that he did not know if what he was stating was fact. Apparently "honesty" is rearing it's ugly head.

The Dictator's only capabilities appear in handing WMD's to Ukraine to start a world war and killing off American soy gal woke breeders by sending them into combat.

Americans had better learn to survive on their own as record energy prices are hitting as much as food.

America as a nation can be defined as a single word: f*%#€£

..........and that word is abandoned for they have no good shepherds to lead them.

Nuff Said
