Oh I'm sorry, your plan only gets you the ugly nurses,
I'll get one for you.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is the Lame Cherry projection on what will be the coming plague.
I have been assessing the vaxed in the various platforms, and beside from the prion shedding contaminating others, I see a positive uptick in the vaxed in recovering. They are no as zombie, not as stressed and aged, not as clotted and not as immune system repressed. The human body at one year out has recovered. That is THIS TIME PERIOD. I can not make any projections on if people will be dropping like flies later from this synthetic prion, as there was a spike in deaths, spike in cancers and spikes in auto immune deaths.
In near term, people are recovering. This though is about future term.
I study Jeff Rense and Eric Kahn, as they are all over the board in this. Their main adversary is the DIA in the Q Peters platform and the doctors there. Does not matter what you believe in what is posted here, but the projection is there are 3 main groups, Immortals, Greys and DIA, all contending for control of human specie.
Rense and Khan frequently promote the Nordic message of the Greys. They were vigorously mocking the critter of Dr. Carie Madej which does exist. They mocked the warning of peptides in water with the sensationalism of "cobra venom. The Lame Cherry in the memory alpha seems to recall some scientist saying that rattlesnake venom could be eaten without harm as it is a protein. It is like an egg white in fact. Not saying to do this, and cobras are not rattlers, but your stomach has acids in it to break down proteins, so I think snake venom if ingested would break down. Do not eat snake venom though, am just stating that if a peptide was in water, it is not going to harm anyone.
That leads to the conclusion that what is in the water will harm the hybrids of the Greys as this entire Ivomec, Remdesvir, Critters has all been from the Greys their battle zone, which means that the DIA and Immortals have introduced something to kill the species competitor there and why the Nordics are obsessed with certain subjects.
Rense was frantic about masks and Morgellons. Suddenly that stopped and he is now all masked up with everything safe. He wears a mask all the time as does Khan. They also have been promoting this device as the ions are said to attach to prions and drop them on the ground before they get into your body if you wear this.
There is this ion maker that Rense andErica Khan have been protecting themselves for over a year as others dropped like flies.
Rense also vaporizes his mask with this thing. He has problem with electronic cell phone frequencies but dangles this about his neck. I can't afford 300 bucks for this magic for TL and myself, but the Greys and the Nordics know this works. Again it is the patterns of observing what these poster children are attacking and promoting in this genetic war.
Now we come to COVID 2023 AD in the year of our Lord after that backgroud information.
In the brier, I am getting numbers of geezers dying.......the 80 plus years old. An occasional clotter male, but the vax is not killing as it was. So when the Lame Cherry addresses the coming plague I'm not talking about the vaxed as spreaders.
I do believe the vaxed have an overload of antigens that attack this synthetic prion and have limited normal antibodies. That factors into this in what is being bred.
The flu season in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord was the Quad Vax. Numbers of people got sick, and are still sick from this and THIS IS THE FOCUS. Geert Van Den Boosch is predicting a super virus plague which will appear from all this vaxing. He does not state this, but the Lame Cherry states this is not from the vaxed. This is from The QUAD VAXED.
TL and I exposed ourselves in public dining a number of times this year. We were sick a few times, great fatigue, almost a sore throat and other odd things like the shits, but it abated. We have hosed down immunity to the Coronavirus Wuhan thanks to our keepers, in all strains. This was like the Corona, but different due to immunity. The main point is this spread through the population and people pretty much handled it who got spread upon.
This Quadvax is now moving south where it is winter in China, Australia, South America. It will incubate until autumn of 2023 AD and then like all flu it will begin by airplane spread back into the United States and Europe. This is what the Lame Cherry believes will be the super strain, bred inside of humans and gaining a mutation to spread in the general population. This is then where the vaxed appear again, as if their immune systems are wide open in being overloaded with the prion antigens, then this "new flu" will rip through the population like a buzz saw.
This is why that idiot Anthony Fauci was coming out with the plague is over, and is now backpedaling on orders of being a fool, that the plague is not over.......the plague is being regenerated and will appear in new form in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord. People will for the most part scoff at it as they have had enough plague hysteria, and it will spread more conveniently. This is not the Lame Cherry scaring you, as if you are someone like Richard and Stephanie who contracted the Corona on a trip to Canada over Christmas in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, then they will have an immunity, natural immunity to what this new flu is, just as we have it in our exposures, just as people who feel like long haul shit after the Quad Vax, as they have got the super immune response and the "viral children" being bred down for spread in IndoAustralasia for American and European spread, have like characteristics so the body will trigger an immune response.
The Lame Cherry will explain it this way.
We got the Coronavirus Wuhan, in all forms and it was severe. This Quad Vax was a spliced up version of that Wuhan in various forms from lung to the shits. Remember what I said is we caught the Quad Vax spread about 4 times last winter. It was like you were getting sick and then not getting sick. That was the immune system fighting off this new virus strain built on the old. The worst of it for us was fatigue. I was taking naps before bed for 4 days as I was extremely tired. Body healed though and there was not that much noticeable in any future exposures.
What this means is you might get an upset stomach but not blow the bottom out of the toilet with shits. You might get a tickle in your throat instead of coughing up oysters. You might get a dull feeling instead of a spike to the brain headache, if you have been exposed, have immunity naturally and the virus will not be allowed to burn through your body before it gets neutralized by your immune system.
There is the Catch 22 in this, because the vaxed have an altered immune system. They are going to probably have a fight on their hands for survival. That damn vax is an evolutionary problem and meant to be the cartel in weeding out creatures not like them.
At this point the focus seems to be more on Darwins who took the vax and the hybrids. I have told you the Group IV appears to have set aside a breeder group for their own purposes when things go wrong to start this all over again in human evolution. Most of those are hair brain Protesant Christians who have a natural paranoia and that is how the primates survived in trusting in God.
This projection is based upon what is in the media reports, factoring in forensic psychology and progressions, for a conclusion of what will take place.
We still wear latex gloves. We are not mask wearers, but we are not hybrids either being targeted. We dunk groceries in bleach, wash our hands, do the nose and ear thing after being out in public and are careful as in the plague, as I tell TL I"m more worried about dirty Mexican boogers and shit on things than on any bioweapon now.
By God's Grace, Group IV has exposed us and most of your reading this, so you should be safe enough. You made it through the coof, so you have the know how to do survive, so if anything comes up, the others will die again, but you will make it through at least that part. No promises on nukes or Wormwood.
That means your further preparation can be on other areas and when something bio pops up again, you can just not panic, assess it, and live through it.
The DIA and Immortals appear to be getting rid of the hybrids. That gives you some room to live in not being the target from a bio. You are going to have to be adult part of the time this summer and continue to prepare as bad shit is coming. Enjoying some life before God in being thankful is necessary to recharge. Just be ready for packs and saddles when the next phase appears.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
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