Sunday, May 29, 2022

Doing the Chinaman Survey


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So like when I was a child, I used to show my dead sister before she was dead, things I would write in cursive and she would tell me what I wrote. As no one would ever lie to me, I could write as an adult, but not read what I was writing.

So like I'm on Pollfish, trying to earn tokens so I  can convert them to e coin and become fabulously rich. Get a four wheel drive pick and a horse that won't die on me and a tractor that runs. No, there is not any trips to Fuckrainia or having people massage me, I have normal things I need and work for, work for but don't get donations for.

So like I'm taking this poll, and it is in Chinese. I ain't no Chinaman, but  I take the survey anyway. I'm quite gifted in reading Chinese even if I don't know what it says. I actually do better on Chinese surveys than  English ones, as  I get thrown out of them for not being a sex perv woke transhit creature. Yes the surveys are geared for sex pervs in the high token ones, which means that sex pervs need help in getting paid lots of tokens for doing nothing. Is like money laundering to fags, but no one mentions that but me.

So like I take this poll. Am checking things, it is asking me for written answers and I by intellect know how to answer the questions and I sail through the Chinaman survey for my 2050 points as I'm gifted that way, been that way since I was a child, as my dead sister said so and adults would never lie to me.

Chinese are also the smartest primates on the planet. The surveys prove just that.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

