God......how did you get this number?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter,
It is wonderful Gift when God speaks to His children. The first time it happens, it was for me, "What .....is....this?" as it shocks, to wondering what has taken place and I felt still and small. I was told firmly PATIENCE three times in a voice inside my brain which now that I think about it, expanded with a force. It was His Will and it was certain. God has no doubts.
I always listen to people who have a revelation in what God is interacting with them as it special. There is a reverence like Communion, and it is really a like Communion, but in a different way with the Lord.
Numbers of people though discount God speaking, but He does do it daily if you listen. It is not often I hear Words. You sort of have to be disciplined in knowing God is talking to you, as for me it is ideas popping into my head. I always though pause and contemplate if this is just me (It is for numbers of people who claim God is directing messages) is it satan, or is this God.
I have an amusing revelation in me not quite getting the message, the full message. Last year I purchased heirloom wheat to plant. Severe drought hit and it got late and God told me that next year was the year to plant wheat. So we planted beans (our neighbor) God gave us a very good crop because God overcomes all, and I was looking forward to this year.
Yeah, HAARP, our fields are wet and wheat should have been in April 18th or harvest drops. I had asked my neighbor to plant Monsanto wheat as I was not risking that heirloom stuff so that is coming and God will bless........but I have been amused this past few weeks as God, the Holy Ghost finally let me in on something
The Holy Ghost told me that this year was the year to plant wheat. You can see that prices will spike and continue to spike so it is a good year for wheat. The Holy Ghost did not tell me it would be easy to plant, only that those who get wheat in the ground will have a good year.
A child would be pissed at God for not being clear, but I was the one who formed an opinion of Mary Sunshine. I had no idea of coming food shortages in what the Holy Ghost knew, so I no longer get angry about being ignorant, I just smile and enjoy it in knowing God knows all and I need Him more than ever as I still use simple reasoning of a child with Him.
Have been asking about a tractor too. God has been a stick in the mud on that too. He knows something and has not told me. I know it will be revealed soon enough, perhaps I would get in the way as I usually do with the information, so I just sit here and fill my time. I get frustrated as I hate wasting time, but the frustration is I have seen God move things and He does it so easy, that I know when the time comes, things will move easy again. It has just been too much sorting things out in my patience in I never am patient on some things that I think are urgent.
So today TL and I dug some weed trees in the ditch. Red cedars and transplanted as I broke the shovel handle. I had already in my mink trapping days cut off that broken handle, and put it into the shovel again and I really like a short handle, but now it is acquiring a handle and fixing it, as we have maybe 30 trees to plant yet before it gets hot. They are going into a shelterbelt my Grandpa planted when I was really little, before Grandma died. Grandpas used to be so cozy, but the person who was on there cut all the trees down and now it is windier than hell here and I hate that. This is the fill in measure of free trees to get things blocked in again. It of course was the right thing to do, as when we started planting, about 5 trees down, there was a cedar growing in the exact spot it needed to be. God was talking cedar trees today by just doing.......and you know that is quite a miracle and a Robin has to eat a cedar berry, fly how many miles, perch in the exact spot, poop it out, God has to make the right water, temperature and then get rid of people who would have sprayed that tree dead, and all that for 2 years, just waiting around for me to get the message to plan a line of trees where he already started.
I like cedars as they grow faster than other evergreens and the are a blinder, meaning they keep hunters and nosy people from seeing what is in the trees, usually wildlife which I want to protect.
TL and I finished off 3 lines of trees where we are at in waiting on God to work things out on the other place, and they look really nice.........now that the neighbor's kid stopped mowing them off.
Lots of cedars in northwest Missouri. I have been there. Squaw Creek NWF. Don't know what that thing is on the interstate there, sort of town or truck stop. TL and I stopped and fed and petted the horses there one October day, now a number of year ago. We didn't get shot by Missourians so it probably was ok. Really different country than Iowa. That big hill and those big hills between St. Joseph and there. Liked watching the fuel meter telling me going down hill I was getting 120 miles per gallon.
Oh well, time to get back to work. Thank you and may God continue to speak to His children, as we are in a real drought of national messages due to the apostate reality of what has Co Opted America.
There must be lots of fires from Mexico to Canada, as our clouds have that grey soot look when grass burns.
Nuff Said