Thursday, May 26, 2022

Klaus Schwab in your mind - Henry Kissinger in your heart


Henry Kissinger has said that the West should stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on Russia and suggested that Ukraine should give up territory.

Former US secretary of state Mr Kissinger, 98, told the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland that Ukraine must begin negotiations 'before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome'.

'Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante. Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself,' he told the conference on Monday.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Once again, the United States is bereft as is the world of thee only voice of reason in the Jew, Henry Kissinger, as the prevailing Jewish thought has regressed in retrograde to the the early 1900's when Jakob Schiff of New York Jewry contended with the Rothschild Jews of Europe over the fate of Mother Russia and the Czar, in which the world has bled ever since, as the Schiff's point of financial control created the Soviet Union, which became the impending disasters of the socialists Woodrow Wilson, Frank Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower to bleed America dry of her wealth in hot and cold wars.

That was the disaster the world inherited in the 20th century. The 21st century is about to produce a bastard offspring still born in the womb in the nut house of diplomacy which is focused upon the Polish russophobe, Zbigniew Brzezinski's legacy of death of all things hateful of Russia, melded now in the Jew Rothschild Klaus Schwab globalists and this Jew Zellinskyy of Ukraine who finds wearing thug black t shirts somehow creates an aura of resoluteness to genocide both Russians and Ukrainians in this new Jewish order which has banned Dr. Henry Kissinger as thee only voice of reason again.

Henry Kissinger stated it plainly, "Give ground to Russia to perform Russian security and by doing so stop a hot war with Russia before damage is completed in America, Europe and Russia which will be irreparable as war with Russia will be war with China as an ally too".

The basis of the Brzezinski Schwab Zellinskyy Jew alliance is to resurrect that bizarre Holy Polish Empire as a tool of the Vatican against Russian Orthodoxy. A greater Poland built of German Prussia which was holocausted by Poland is to join the neo holocaust of Ukraine which will be a sort of nuclear power to obliterate Russia and Poland, and leave the Rothschild empire of central Europe to direct the world.

Everyone in this is overlooking those wanker Brits who are running the incantations of satan in the Great Game to whisper great things to Poland as Germans and French believe they can suck cock like a British fag.

The Germans though have a bit of a problem like Henry Kissinger, in no one wants to be a Nigger. The Slavs are supposed to be Niggers, traditional Niggers and born to it, but they won't play Nigger to the Germans, French and Poles.

German vice-chancellor Robert Habeck had an angry outburst at the summit while accusing Hungary and various other uncooperative countries of stopping attempts of an oil embargo by the EU. 'We are seeing the worst of Europe,' he said.

Then there are those bloody damn Wogs of India. Educate them and they can reason things out like they are not the problem and Europeans are. See this is all about not just no one buying or selling without the OK of the regime, but is about the control of land and travel. Russian oil is about Germany in Siemens in the Lame Cherry exclusively reported first, is about e cars which do not run and about how Germany will control the hydrogen cells which the rich will run their cars on, as crude oil production is stopped.

Here is why Brzezsinki Schwab and Zellinskyy believe they will prevail:

Russia and OPEC have half the world oil supply. America has the other half and has shut down production. China will consume all of Russia and OPEC's oil. It will be gold exchanged. The problem is in order to pay for this as China runs out of money is China must export, but China has no markets without Europe and America. The system collapses without fake American Dollars. That is why the United States is being collapsed.

You may now donate lots of money as you now have the brain of Klaus Schwab as you have the heart of Henry Kissinger. 


Energy minister for India Shri Hardeep Pury, when suggestions were made that his country should stop in its business with buying Russian oil, said: 'The Europeans buy more Russian energy in an afternoon than we do in a quarter.'

Please do not be uncomfortable with the brain of Klaus Schwab thinking in your cranium parts.

Oh one more thing about your Henry Kissinger heart, Henry is playing the part of the Rothschilds this time and Schwab the part of the Schiffs. What that means is Dr. Kissinger wants to make obedient puppies of the Russians, without bloodshed, like he did Americans with the petro dollar. Russia still vanishes and is plundered, but it is without all these horrific slaughter of the goy.

You may be surprised that I do a perfect impersonation of Henry Kissinger, Ross Perot, I''m like a linguistic mina bird. Is how I entertain myself in these projects in I have a very active brain and need to run background programs as I'm rather high strung for a rather sedate individual 486.

That does not have much to do with the above, but people like to know things about those they donate money to as for most it is not a donation, it is buying something as nothing is free, just this blog really as God is always put on hold as pizza must be delivered.

That is about it, one piece in a cross level puzzle which all fits together.

More revelations of pieces to come.

Nuff Said
