Thursday, May 26, 2022

Peanut Butter and Chicken


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First PB, your apple shredder is going to appear. Thank you for that, just is in forward time.

My neighbor Merlyn hated chicken shit on his feet. He built a wire enclosure off his chicken shed.

For some reason I never was prone to stepping in chicken shit. Cat shit.......oh my yes. My brother's dog shit, yeah as he would not pick it up. Chickens though, not a problem even now

I think in the archives I did  mention we built a chicken tractor several years ago. Use it yet. Our's is 2x4's, too big, lots of  1 by 2 wire and we cover it with a cut piece of plastic silage tarp.

Blows like hell in the wind. Chickens will get drenched in storm. I lay pallets on the side and old cream cans on top to keep things kosher in storms. They work great. Use the pick up to move it as we have it on wheels.

Have to watch the chickens though as they are prone to commit suicide in being caught under it when moved.

Am going to get an old corn crib from JYG ASAP for a second tractor. We got baby chicks this year in Brahmas mostly. Lovely tame chicks that have filled the brooder and when it warms up in a few days, they are going to the outside brooder tank with tarp cover so they do not get drenched.

Am going to put lawnmower wheels on JYG's thing to make it easy on me.

Have to watch heat on the chickens in confinement. They love eating grass and bugs.

Oh get a live trap and do not get your chickens too far away, as coons are a problem in digging in as much as yotes and fox......they do not respond to live traps, hence the need for closeness and shooting.

Hello Lame Cherry,
...  now, if I could just get all of these chickens to shit in one spot, all would be glorious.  The only drawback to letting them free range is they shit e v e r y w h e r e e e e.   You can't walk to the garden without having to tip toe around all the chicken shit.  I mean... not that I don't give too much of a shit about stepping on chicken shit with the shit kickers on.. BUT.. then there's the cleanup before going in the house... or taking them off every time you go into/out of the house. It becomes a nuisance.  I do actually go around with a dustpan and stick and pick up a lot of it in the driveway and around the garage and house every other day so it doesn't get too nasty.  It'll make good fertilizer for the garden eventually.
How do you feel about chicken tractors?  I'm thinking of making one.  I do have a field where I could pull them around the outer perimeter.  Heck, maybe they'll help dig up the poison ivy in some areas along the field's edge. 
One of my roosters is being a real jerk to people.  I'm thinking about having him for dinner. 

Spray your poison ivy with LV6. I have to spray ours soon.

Pig shit works best in gardens. Never had much fortune with chicken poo.

Last thing I shot was a cat today. Someone dropped her off last year.  Fed her, she made more cats, then started beating up and killing our other cats someone dropped off. Was going to take her over to Grandpas, but when I caught her, she growled, clawed at me and would not go into the trap. She was told the results that waited and hence absorbed the lead cure, much to the delight of most of the other cats she has been chewing the hell out of.

Think that is about it.

Nuff Said
