Monday, May 30, 2022

The Subject of Demons as Aliens of the Great Deception


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One has to be guarded and not allow compassion become an open door when dealing with information concerning contactees experiencers, abductees or whatever the neo term is for a basic deception being prevailed upon people by the demon seed.

It is one thing to have compassion on main conduits as have been examined here in Dolly Saffron and Whitley Strieber, two of thee most in depth revealed associations with the Greys. It is a completely different compassion though in people like the wife of Whitley Strieber in Anne, who is not chosen to be a conduit to reveal to the world the false narrative, but has been cocooned up in her own mind with the most complete psychological blocks.

That is what this examination is about, as it does concern each of us, as Anne Strieber is a factual account, and when Anne Strieber can have her memories blocked as is recorded by her husband Whitley in Communion, then it becomes a reality of how much blocking is taking place and memory transfer is being initiated for people like Dolly Saffron or Whitley Strieber in their recollections.

Notice in the following session with a psychologist how Anne Strieber can not remember events which are blocked. She remembers perfectly before and after, but not when the Greys are in the story. For background, there was a bright light in the house and around the house. A great deal of contact and noise was taking place in the house, and you will notice Anne has blocks to it all. She becomes confused as she knows she saw a light, but has been ordered to remember that all is dark. She has bits and pieces and then the block drops like a curtain and the memories appear to be erased which is a real problem if the depth of control is that pronounced, a problem for each of us.

I will meet you on the other side.

"So you said good night to everyone. And you and Whitley went upstairs?" 


"Just give me to the best of your recollection what happened that night, concentrating as 
hard as you can." 

"[Long pause.] It wasn't a peaceful eight, but don't remember why. [Pause. Seems 

"What are you thinking of right now?" 

"Well, I don't know." 

"Because you just screwed up your face and clenched your eyes." 

"It seems like there was a lot going on, but I don't remember. I — I — remember when 
Whitley thought the roof was on fire. I don't remember that. But I remember it was like a 
culmination of a lot of other — it was like — it was surprising, because it was like a 
culmination of a lot of other activity. I don't — I don't — seems like it was late and not dark but I don't remember that, and it's not clear. But it doesn't seem like it was dark enough. 
Usually it's so dark. It's all dark. And so restful and quiet, but I don't get that feeling about it. I get the feeling that Whitley was up all night, and it was this thing and that thing and finally it was the roof. It was something else other than the roof on fire. There was something about the stove for another reason." 

"What's going through your mind now?" 


"Nothing? Concentrate hard." 

"I just see a light. I mean, it's not dark. You know, it's not dark." 

"Yet when you came back from the restaurant you were struck by how dark it was." 

"Did I say that?" 


"I remember the house was dark, because we couldn't see. I remember thinking they can't 
see the guest room very well and they'd never seen it before. Of course they could have 
turned on the light. It was very dark outside. I don't believe we turned on many lights. We 
Just went to bed. We were all very tired and we all just wanted to go to bed. The thought 
flitted through my mind, you know, as the hostess, should we drink something or sit and talk, 
but we all just wanted to go to bed." 

"What time was it?" 

"I think it was about nine." 

"When you came back from the restaurant?" 

"You were very tired. You get tired earlier out there. It's funny. Restful. Affects 
everybody. Never stay up late." 

"I don't know what the calendar says, but I get the sense that there was a new moon that 
night. Very little moonlight." (Dr. Naiman had not been told that there was a heavy fog all 
night and it was inky black due to the lack of reflected light in this sparsely populated area. 
The moon was waning and past the half. It rose about 10:30 and set in the pre dawn hours.) 


"No what?" 

"I — it — I don't know. It seems like there was a light." 

"Tell me about it." 

"No. I don't think there was. I think I just think there was. I mean — it's just that I have my eyes closed and it's not dark. It's light." 

In these contacts, Whitley Strieber saw an owl, but there was not an owl, but the eyes of the Greys. There are shields put up on people until they are allowed to remember the situation the Greys intend as the platform of the message.

What Anne Strieber though was not remembering was most telling, because Dr. Naiman the hypnotist psychologist was allowing Anne to express was how, at least in her case, how the "control" was able to shut her into her own mind.

In this series of questions, Anne is confused as she remembers, but does not remember. There are two tells in this in how this "mother cloneware" (There is a common leather faced, old creature, who appears to direct these contacts. She appears in erased memories for Anne Strieber as a feminine voice without reference. For Whitley Strieber she is both sexual and mothering.) is able to control Anne Strieber.

Anne Strieber 3 times references, "You know how your mother tells you not to go out and you really want to?", and there is a remarkable power in this, as when Anne Strieber desires to go, it is her son screaming.
A mother's love should be prominent in saving her child, but the control in this as made her obey her own mother from an earlier age. The control has shut off the mother's instinct of protection and grounded all in the child's obedience to a mother's command.

The psychology is fascinating as at the same time Anne Strieber is being controlled as a child in regression as an adult mother, the control has also infused into her a wifely mothering instinct of responsibility to her husband, Whitley, "To be there for him, to be a calming influence after the events".

To gain control of Anne Strieber, she is based as a child with a mother, and yet to maintain her connection to her husband, she is transformed into the guilty wife, who must be the domestic calming force for all the hell breaking loose in their lives, and if she does not do this, then it is her fault".

The basis of the control is love and responsibility which is used against her. There is an undercurrent in this too in "a wifely duty" not just as calming influence, but the control has relinquished Anne Striebers connection to her son, by "Whitley does it better", "Whitley hears him cry first", "Whitley was already going to him", so Anne has had it implanted in her reasoning that she should stay in bed, keep her eyes closed as her husband will deal with the Greys and the terror they bring.

Anne Strieber knows the Greys are there. She mentions "lots of people in the house" and used the word "they" at one point. She knows her husband is up a great deal, moving around, leaving her alone which she does not like, and "they" are the reason for it, but if the psychological block is built more into this in "Whitley is the offering so they will leave me alone", it does not appear in the comments. Anne Strieber thought was a Stockholm Hostage or a Grey Hostage and what was infused into her psyche was absolute.

The question in this is, knowing that blocks are in place. Knowing that there are covers as in seeing animals for the Greys,  are the Greys really fat little men at the CIA running MKULTRA on people leaving the impression these are aliens so they can advance their agenda too, along with the demons?

The answer to that does not matter in the examination of Anne Strieber, because what one must be aware of is, there are realities now that realities in individuals and mass population (Lion laying down with the lamb. The Mandella Effect.) In which entire populations have been manipulated, and that includes Christians and Race Based Liberalism, two very emotional and focused groups.)

What was done to Whitley Strieber and Anne Strieber, can be accomplished in anyone. Anne Strieber is the most troubling as she is an outlier and has been shut down to not interfere. She is not a main target, and in that, that kind of breaking down of a human mind, blocking out the terror they do not want, and then using blocks based on that in obeying a mother and a wifely duty to nurture, is revealed as an absolute control.
Whitley Strieber when broken down as in war combat in dying or gravely wounded, called out for mommy and daddy. Battlefield scenes are filled with all cultures of dying people bawling and crying for their mothers. It is the same breakdown of human psyche and is the same platform on which this is based.

That is what Conmunion is. It is conning the human psyche, not grounded in the Holy Ghost of Protestant Christian reality. and in that open venue of having no protections, the demonic produces a mind altering change in people who are morally responsible and quite caring individuals or families. One never finds stories of serial rapists, child molesters and serial murderers as abductees.

This target group is specific in it being open and caring, and malleable by weaponizing that in a high trauma situation.

MKULTRA and other Mockingbird platforms have used like platforms to alter the humane nature of humans.

Compassion can not be allowed to open doors, no more than an exorcism can be allowed to make contact with demons via the possessed. All of this is part of the Great Deception and your will must be trained and focused in this, for when the events like Whitley Strieber was assaulted by as was Dolly Saffron, that you are not broken down by plague and atomic bombs, terrorized by earth destroying meteors and murders reptilians, and as you are pissing yourself, you are told, "Run to the pretty Nordics and the helpful Greys, do not trust in God as Jesus was just another benevolent alien, and "we" will take you off planet, if you just give yourself over to "us" and trust us".

When this comes, it is coming with terror. The Revelation of Jesus the Christ teaches this. This comes with a mental, emotional, physical and Spiritual break. That is when the decision will be required. You will must be in God's Will in order to be brought through this.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

