Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thee Enemy Still Lives

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is for your consideration in Russia has nuclear fall out shelters for thee entire population of Russia, along with cities built for the people all underground, paid for by Americans purchasing Russian oil in the Bush era.


Okinawa Japan was thee most bombed area in the world, it still holds that title, and is equal to the American firepower rained down on Vietnam in that war of underground tunnels.

The Japanese had experienced American firepower in October 1944 when the United States obliterated the capital of Okinawa in Naha. They thought nothing could be worse. Then came the raids for softening up Okinawa in January 1945. They told themselves nothing could be worse and then landing day appeared with thee American Fleet on April 1st, 1945 AD in the year of our Lord.

564 carrier based aircraft hit Okinawa, joined by ten super battleships with batteries of 14 and 16 inch guns. Smaller cannon from 9 cruisers, 23 destroyers and 200 gunships launched 45,000 shells on Okinawa, with 33,000 rockets and 22,500 mortar shells.

Thee American battleships could fire 120 tons of high explosives every minute on Okinawa and did so for 3 hours. Okinawa in the landing zone exploded and became an inferno as planes dropped Napalm for a half mile inland.

America would continues this unleashing of firepower for 82 days, and while it did cause attrition in Japanese troops who came out of the bunkers, it had almost no affect on Japanese cannon and mortars.

It is impossible for the human mind to comprehend the numbers of bombs and bullets which hit Okinawa, with little effect, besides slaughtering 150,000 Okinawa civilians.

All of that American firepower unleashed and Japanese were still crawling into American fox holes and slitting throats or blowing the heads off of Americans with knee mortars.

Thee American nuclear arsenal means absolutely nothing in Russia, unless it can precisely target every bunker and complex and penetrate them. Failure to accomplish that and Russia lives and Americans will die as their regimes have not protected them with bunkers as the Lame Cherry advocated in 2008 for John the hero McCain to provide for Americans. McCain did steal my line from that Newsbuster site in wanting to make everyone a millionaire, but that is all that manifested as Americans are in deliberate jeopardy over the Bidencon NATO war in Ukraine which is meant to kill Americans.

Remember that when you see that weasel Zellinskyy. His poking Russia in the noses is designed to get you dead.

If the Japanese high command had provided munitions and two more divisions on Okinawa, Americans would have sued for peace in the slaughter of Americans there. Thee Americans war planners were expecting 85% casualties of Americans and they still ordered the assault. Landing craft were hung up on the coral. America would not have gotten to shore and the only reason they did is because General Ushijima and General Cho chose not to hit America on landing as they did not have the resources.

There is not enough American firepower to obliterate China. That is the technological reality. If there are not precision rods of Thor to hit Russian bunkers, the United States will be like Okinawa and Vietnam, having shot it's wad and the enemy still will live.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

