As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry by God's Grace predicted that HAARP would damage the spring wheat planting and crop and that is exactly what has been undertaken.
This though is not just North Dakota, but that other Dakota, Montana, Minnesota and Nebraska. It is a smorgasbord of HAARP in too much of everything from cold, hot to wet, cold. Late frosts and scorching heat.
Some farmers in North Dakota are unable to plant as much wheat as they normally would because of heavy rain across the state. Government data shows the state is expected to plant wheat over the smallest recorded share of its farmland. Crop scouts survey drought-stressed spring wheat near Grandin, North Dakota, July 29, 2021.
I told you that they will short the wheat harvest and that is exactly what is being engaged in.
It is damned cold for the beans and corn too. I had suspected that they would have turned on the heat by now, but the same patterns since last September is the one HAARP is still generating.