Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Good, the Bad and the Fugly


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a founder of Forensic Psychology, I examine and observe society in my lab experiment in the Brier Patch with interest and from the vaxed exhibiting advanced aging and vax phatness, I ponder the progression of the vax. This though is not about the vaxed as something else has appeared here these past weeks which fascinates me as being an empath I feel auras and the singular and collective mood.

As gas prices rose to 3.87 a gallon, I assumed that people would stop moving around and buying. Instead the opposite was taking place. I saw a number of non fatties around, they seemed more pale skinned, even if they were a Negroid mix. their mood was positive, but something was off in them as I would call it somewhere between agitated and hyper. It was not that they were on edge, but it was like having to get things done on a mission.

I have no idea if this electronic brain waves, vaxing or it simply is a forensic manifestation that people tortured in Fauci's 2 year lockdown are like animals getting their last run in, before being put into the kennel.

There was a definite "off" in them like being unencumbered with life as they walked the last half mile.

I was watching a dude put fuel into his big pick up. It looked like he had lost his best girlfriend as he was staring emotionally at the pump, forlorn, distraught, depressed and just facing thee inevitable. Fuel here in the Brier for the cheap stuff is 4.27 a gallon. The country can not function on this and that is why the forces were unleashed to bring about this situation of crony comradism.

When people get done getting things done, they will act out in not supporting a system which does not enable them. Yes there are safe checks in this, like handing out money in living dividends, but people are going to start taking things from those who have them. That is the interesting part in no one buying or selling without a mark. There is nothing about just taking things in that scenario of order.

We will see how a non Protestant White Christian vermin culture reacts in all of this, as America is no longer the 1930's.

Nuff Said

