Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Trump Dust Cloud

indelibly I can not fathom why people keep mistaking me for Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Trump To Abolish The IRS - This Alone Could
Put Him In The White House

Yes Deserter Donald Trump, I believe you will do this just as I believed it when you said that no one earning under 50,000 dollars would have to file income taxes when you ran on MAGA.

What is America going to run on without the IRS collecting taxes? Your ideas are Qanon stupid.

Leave the IRS in place, use it to collect taxes on imports as what America was founded on, Declare the Income Tax Unconsitutional as it was never ratified, and then point America's nuclear arsenal at those who stole over 100 trillion from the United States as you end audits from the IRS on all Americans.

Deserter Don, as a personal reply, your last photo while playing golf looked like you were birthed in uteran juices. There is nothing newer than a new born, but you are not. You ideas are Qanon DIA stale.

fact that ONLY the “Militia of the Several States” can possibly enforce the Amendment and other rights that our Constitution guarantees. Edwin Vieira, Jr.

This book explains why "the Militia of the several States" are the only establishments the Constitution explicitly empowers to provide the crucial elements of ...

Vieira once again proves he is without peer in his understanding of our Constitution, and the Law of which it is the foundation. For fans of Dr. Vieira, this ...

As Ronald Reagan relied on Richard Nixon and Milton Friedman for visionary policy. how about this Deserter Don, rely on an American who can solve all of the problems of America, by doing something you failed at, and that is empowering the People. Is this not what Democrats claim they want in democracy and what Republicans state they stand for?

The principle is easy. It is the Constitution and the base being that every Governor has t he authority which the Executive and Legislative and the Courts can not touch and that the Governors control the Militias. Arm every Citizen, do away with the federal police state, and every problem will be rectified not by you, but Americans.

You will not run on a platform like this, nor will you urge Noem, Abbott and DeSantis to enact these militias and do away with all their state police as an example to what a Trump repeat would be like in the White House, instead of more hot air and lying to people who trusted you.

You want the White House Deserter Don? You want to have it not in another DIA stolen election? You want to prove to Jan6ers that you are not the deserter you are? Run on Edward Viera jr's, platform as was espoused on Rense.com and can be found on Amazon.com.

Otherwise you get zero support from the Lame Cherry and will be defined as Deserter Donald Trump as that is exactly as the DIA Boy you were and are. You are an old man with old ideas, and nothing is worse than old dried up bullshit as it creates dust clouds when traipse through it.

Ronald Reagan backed arming thee American People, Mr. Deserter, what is your position? Are you pro Reagan or anti Reagan?

May 6, 1983 ... And I want you to know that I'm in favor of the Civilian Marksmanship program. I support this idea because clear back to the Revolutionary ...

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
