As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It will remain to be experienced if this atmospheric rape by HAARP will kill the atmosphere in what was generated in cold weather in Europe for anti Christ control and a generated cold sink of "Arctic Whatever" over the midwest. The information below is how this was accomplished by the cartel.
Beginning in September, there were two pulls from the upper atmosphere of hyper cold. It was noted in the second pull in October, that the night sky turned black, and not the normal blue. There was five days of this.
Five seems to be a common number in this, as the chemtrail craft were busy over South Dakota in this period, which initiated what is now appearing.
HAARP had generated a super lo pressure over Churchill Hudson Bay which was bringing extreme cold into this region.
While all of you were fixed upon that Florida hurricane, there was a weather bomb going off in the northern plains. What was of interest in this blizzard, was that when the hurricane moved inland, it sucked the moisture life out of the T cell storm. T cell meaning the T shape these HAARP storms leave in continental signature.
This T cell began with an immense moisture creation over the central plains. It was misting for days when the forecast predicted none. By Wednesday the 9th, the blizzard had moved into Montana, and then into North Dakota. Horrific winds and cold with snow. Of interest, South Dakota and Minnesota were deluged with rain.
In what took place and what is still taking place, has produced weather which is not matching the forecasts. Sun is predicted, none appears, just this sooty doldrums type spitting now weather or lack of weather, and this dead atmosphere.
What is taking place is, the earth is naturally warm and dry in this drought cycle. In looking at the data, it should be around 50 to 60 degrees on the northern plains in this cycle. It is 25 degrees. That is what is causing this condition which is upsetting the forecasts that the computers generate.
The temperature of the earth is mild over most of the United States, but in this early cold sink, it is causing an immense dead air zone of a war between HAARP and earth.
For their own scientific predicitons, the Weather Mods, told the cartel that they could make cold air in Europe and Ukraine, out of Arctic air. They then concluded that they could create an early January Hudson Bay cold sink, which would then freeze the upper United States along with the early upper atmospheric freezing, which were interesting in trees were freezing from the top down as that is where the air was coming from
At this point, the Weather Mods have this dead atmsophere which they are going to shock, sometime around the 20th, with an upper atmosphere cold air drop. The atmosphere is weeping snow as it is frozen and this 20th burst is like opening a freezer on a hot day. It cools off the moment, but the effects are not lasting, because the energy is not in the normal atmosphere to continue to prolong it.
I personally believe they fucked up in too much modification which has jeopardized the control on Russia and making things panic mode in Europe by engaging in what they did in the United States.
It appears the air will naturally moderate again, and if the Mods try it again, it will probably leave Russia with winter operations and Europe not as cold to cause them discomfort.
I honestly believe if they would just quit fucking with the weather, they would be better off in resources, as the economic shambles has most people already pinned and the natural weather cycle is going to produce the effect the 30's and 70's had which is what the cartel wants.
It is what it is though, and has been noted here exclusively in how this was generated, where and the current effects of atmospheric rape.
Time to move on to prayers and new projects. HAARP is beginning to bore me as it is not logical. If they would have left things alone, enhanced a typical storm which should have generated, they would have been more effective and cost efficient. It is the way when people get control of things, in they just got the mechanisms so they just have to use it, and they always over use it.
Nuff Said