Monday, November 21, 2022

Breaking thee American System


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting accuracy in the memoirs of Eugene Sledge in The Old Breed and account of Marines in World War II. He makes an assessment as to why Americans were able to defeat the Japanese. Americans had to be fanatical to America as the Japanese were to the emperor.

Thee America though that Marines were fanatical about were other Marines. It was the complete reliance through the breaking own and training of boot camp to rely on others and to trust the men with you completely and your immediate command which availed for Marines to endure hellish conditions which broke a number of them.

As basic training has been wiped out from American military instruction, that means that this foundation is gone. Understand that.

It is interesting in this forensic psychology as Sledge states that Peleliu was more savage than Okinawa due to the intensity of the battle. Okinawa was larger, more shelling and longer, but the first island was more brutal in the actual horrific combat experience.

The findings that Eugene Sledge concluded was that training was what sustained the impossible in men, and that it was the duration of combat not the severity which was the critical factor.

That may sound at odds with Okinawa and Peleliu, but while Okinawa was larger and longer, the Marines were at least rotating out for a few days, or being replaced by other combat squads to continue the fight. Peleliu was the shock of numbers of young men in combat for the first time, the shock of veterans who experienced a change in Japanese tactics which were designed to slaughter Americans longer and in greater numbers, instead of the banzai charge.

General Charles de Gaulle touched on this fanaticism or nationalism which won wars. The army which was more nationalist or loyal to their nation often won the wars as they would not give up. That is why the break has taken place in the United States system, to create a psychological fracture which under the stress of nuclear war and Americans being cut off, they will psychologically quit, in greater numbers than the Marines did on the Japanese islands with their espris de corps training.

The defeat of the United States is from top to bottom. The reliance is on technology because the cartel can not have numbers of trained Soldiers as a solid force to have it's own ideas.

It is all evident to an Inspired mind not sloshed on shit videos and proven by their drunken captivity in their inability to donate to this blog to save themselves.

Nuff Said
