In Texas we were thankful we had thorns to wipe our ass and Christmas
was the gift of shit covered thorns for our fire so we did not freeze.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading that 30% of the people in America will not celebrate the holidays as they can not afford it.
I told TL that made no sense as .......this is a better way of putting it, "They are going to eat that day anyway so why in hell not eat something special. It is not like they are eating gruel on that day".
I don't feel for myself like celebrating any holiday. Would just forget it all. Don't know if that is more brain blitz or what, but that does not matter as this is not about me. This is about God.
Holidays are like festivals, carnal things. Holy Days are High Days, dedicated to God, your enjoying company with God.
My life pretty much is precarious, Donations are hard to come by from you people. Things go wrong allot. I look at things though that when things are this shit, how shitty would it be without God?
I thank God allot. Started thanking in August when that deep cavity filling fell out in the tooth. I immediately was pleased as I knew God was taking care of me. I was worried about that thing for years, and being poor, I could not get it done. Thing is, I knew if I screwed with that thing, it was going to be a problem as the dentist who did the drilling, Dr. Nazi, warned me about it.
So I got it pulled as that is the only thing I could afford. Then I got the long haul 5400 dollar bad news about the rest of the teeth. You may think I am some solid rock, but I told God maybe it would be better if I died. God heard me and I was depressed. God has other ideas though.
I got more experience in teeth drilling than I cared to. More hurt to. Better though than sitting in the End Times with no dentist, an a teeth cracked to the bone, swelling my jaw up in puss bags and shit. I had that as a kid. Hard to work for God with pussy teeth.
So God was looking out for me, in working for Him.
You will notice a theme in that.
August was my driver exam. I ruined my eyes writing this blog, that most of you don't give a damn about me for. Glasses broke, but TL and me found a gold rimmed Dollar Store pair, instead of that plastic Chinaman toxic smell pair that broke. I can see the print now with these.
God had me pass my driver's test with a breeze, great deal as it is long range vision in the test, not short.
Right pleased about seeing and driving. That is God looking out for me as I am working for Him, not me.
Had lots of problems with the drought. No feed in the pasture, and then people started forgetting things like selling me a trailer and things. So TL and I got to work in fixing my old man's trailer up. Sure I got hurt loading cattle as bone bruises hurt for a time. It cost fixing the trailer, but a day of hauling at two a time, and 10 hours got them over there.
I would have died without that solution of the Grandpa's pasture, cattle would have too, but God was looking out for me as I work for Him, not me.
There were lots of tidbits like air compressors, posts for a coyote project, rototillers and being me, I forget lots of things God does, but I am always grateful as I know the God I work for provides for me even if it is Red Sea moments.
Like the killer HAARP storm which would have killed us an the cattle. I lost lots of energy and sleep pleading to God over that one, and it missed us in the snow and ice.
Same with the neighbor who vax brained and forgot to bail up feed for us. God turned it around, and I got the baling done, the feed delivered and it all worked out as God was providing as those are His cattle and I'm his stock too.
So that is just a few months of the Lame Cherry life for God. I don't feel like celebrating as I need things and am in jeopardy, but any problems in this is me, not God. If I was more Jesus like, I would have things done better. I know the problem in all of these situations is me.
I do feel like communing with God though. It don't have to be no turkey or whatever. Nothing fancy as this is about me remembering God caring for me. I am so very grateful for that. It is hard as God seems to like too much drama in doing things. Me I like Jesus in being prepared, but God likes showing me He saves me over the cartel and other things.
I have no idea what God does for you. Maybe He does not do things like you think, and maybe all the good He does for you, you think it is holes in your head in teeth falling out, instead of seeing the future of things.
It is like being sick with Coof II and freezing my ass in my own skin. Only place I got warm was bed with critters on me for my hot blanket. I enjoyed it, hours of it, as I never get any time to really be with God in being busy in working the blog or life. I got lots of time with God like I used to, and I really appreciated that. Most people would be upset about hacking up snot, but I got God time, and as TL said, "We got rid of that lab flu so now we don't have to get that again". Lots of benefits when you work for God.
There is a Bible verse in the Psalms about God pleading His Own cause. If more people were focused on getting God up on His Own things, then it would be allot better for all of us, as God makes things peace, plentiful and prosperous, just like the 10 Commandment bring life if you obey them.
I really don't know what I will be eating for Thanksgiving or Christmas, don't much care. I know I will be thanking God for all He has done for me, as it is big time done like big End Times kind of done. I know things are razor thin and on the edge, but God knows that better than me. Still have lots of things to do, but God knows that too and is working on it like He does all things.
I know if people don't have anything to be having a good time with God in being thankful, they are pretty much shortsighted and got that way in not being Inspired by God as the Holy Ghost ain't in them like He is with Protestant Christians.
I like the time God provides with me to be with Him. Great treasure really. No place I'd rather be and it ain't costing me no Wall Street cash, just me investing in God.f
If you don't have anything to be thankful to God for and enjoy spending time with Him, you are a fool bound for hell. You got eyes to read, you got a brain not vaxed to shit so you at least know enough to read, even if you are a dense bastard with any thankfulness or common sense. I could go on but you take everything for granted in thinking you deserve things or that all of this just happens without God.
A Protestant Christian is thankful on Thanksgiving and merry on Christmas. Is about God, not turkey or debt spending.
Thanksgiving was about people being thankful to God after most of them starved and died. Christmas was about a poor man finding coins in his socks drying by the fire, because someone was charitable to that family.
Not about plenty. Was about being grateful and helpful. That lesson has been deliberate forgot.
Nuff Said