As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I study number generation as I do believe it is part of the predestined web of events which generate, which provides an insight into an infinite generation of numbers which are all connected in one space and time, before it shifts to another.
I like the patterns as they mean something and yet with my finite view of the numbers for that time and yet with such a small sample they mean everything and yet nothing.
In a game of 26 points, the odds are that there should be an even dispersion of numbers in evens and odds. Yet in the pattern below, which is affected by Microsoft generation as much as my ability to play the game, in this instance, a pattern emerged which was dominated by uneven numbers, specifically in patterns of 3 and 13, two numbers which are antithesis numbers in being strong in 3 in a triangular pattern and yet weak in 13, yet 13 is the real number of the Tribes of Israel upon which Salvation is based upon.
The subset numbers in this are the even, 2's. They compliment what is the top generation, as the fliers reproduce. Out of a base 48 numbers generated, 16 times zero appeared or 1/3rd of the time.
3's and 13's both appeared five times each for 10 total or 26. meaning half of the numbers generated were 0, 3 and 13. That dominance is not logical nor is the missing sets of numbers in 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26.
Fourteen numbers were absent, while the reality is, they should have in chances appeared at least once in the lower orders and yet they did not.
For a brief moment those were the lottery numbers the matrix was communicating in frequency with my unique interaction. More than a lottery and less than a winning ticket.
Nuff Said