Saturday, December 10, 2022

A litter of Culls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. 

I was thinking about my brother taking that vax, now that time has passed and I really have contempt for him as he took that vax and got himself murdered. That is so not Cherry and yet I can name more of us that have gotten injected than not.

I had always thought we were a superior race being God's Priesthood and all, but people so in love with life and doing shit which is worthless like a shit job or to walk through a mall is just head up your ass to get things injected into you.
I was raised different, and yet by the same people who are destined for hell or in hell, and at the same time they raised my siblings and we are as different in character as the good and the bad. My reasons i the Holy Ghost is in me, and directs me to not to stupid things. They on the other hand are self centered selfish self serving tools of satan.

My brother is a prick. I got tired of his prickness and prayed about it. God gave him a life to get his attention. Can't say it did any good as I eventually told the mother, "We got to do something about that kid as he is making our lives miserable in his whining about how bad his life is". Yeah, pray about things and then I got hours a week listening to how bad things were.

So the solution was to get him a job. We prayed on it, and God put junior into a job. Now here's the deal, he worked in a sporting good store and ....he was such a prick. The people who he worked with fit all one forensic psychological profile in they were very nice people who needed to be told which end was up in being needy.

So the management kept tryig to get him into the gun department. Prick was prick to them, and kept saying, "I work in the hunting department not the gun department". I told him, "Yeah but the gun department is not doing a thing but standing behind the counter acting like you know about things and you get paid to do an easy job".

He would not listen it took years, and guess where he ended up? The gun department and suddenly he was Mr. Know it All about Guns. I never have seen anyone who works behind a gun counter who is not an ex flap or does not think they invented guns.
Like my cousins were here and Mr. Know was showing them his expensive pistols. I told him  that they could not afford guns that expensive, and his reply was, "I know". If he knew then why in the hell was he showing them guns out of their price range. Probably making up for his inferior dick size.

In any event, he was then Mr. Know, he knew it all, and was the gun department and I never stopped thinking, "I told you to work there and you would not go". Like I said my brother was a know it all prick and thought his best ideas were his, when they were mine and he was furious about that often enough.

I just always expected better out of Cherry's.  We were not like this other ilk which is always jealous of us, and I could never figure that out, as all you had to do was be Christian about things and show a little will power.

So I'm waiting for my siblings to go tits up. Not doing their vax funerals. I just throw their cards away as I'm done with  them. They are horrid sisters and the one is married to one of the biggest assholes destined for hell. I keep rooting for the vax on him and a real shit head teacher from school. In that my brother checked out quick, which was good for him, but I would have traded his check out for a host of others who should be body in the ground and soul in hell.

That is what pisses me off, because if junior had just been sort of a brother, instead of a selfish prick with validation issues, he could have had some fun with me, but he didn't want that, just wanted his needy friends and that is what he got in death. In death I was stuck making it easy for him and loosing the sins so Heaven awaited.

I'm going to be disappointed if I don't see more of a pile of assholes dead this coming year to make up for allot of things. A half dozen would please me for starters, then I would stop paying attention and start writing articles about Jesus and other necessary things to help you children and brats get through what is coming.

I'm disappointed in my sperm donor, disgusted in my womb room and displeased with my litter mates. I think maybe I needed to be a physical orphan so I would have a Spiritual adoption.

Nuff Said

