Monday, December 26, 2022

A Thank You To the Non Donors

I didn't realize I could sprain my ankle 50 feet from the car and get lost as the same time.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry wills to begin this with an apology to the Righteous donors, but I believe they will understand in this article of million dollar knowledge of why, here am I, thanking the thieving non donors. The first reason is, if they had been doing what was required, this test would never have taken place.
So here is the story of survival which will be of more value than a portfolio.

Most of us have just gone through one of several HAARP superstorms, which killed allot of people, allot of animals and allot of wildlife. We have survival livestock on my Grandpa's place and it is hard to explain a real blizzard to people as a hurricane is nothing compared to a blizzard.

With a two wheel drive pick up, due to non donors, we were imprisoned in snowbergs as our snow compacts in like concrete. We had fed the cattle on a Wednesday and I expected to get back by Friday or Saturday, but a blizzard set in, then a snowstorm on Christmas, and the cattle did not have water since Thursday, but they are resourceful in will lick snow to survive.

I was on bitch mood the entire time as I hate having animals suffer, but that is HAARP and evil people who are non donors. So I waited for the roads to be cleared. I finally called the friend who I knew since childhood who serves on our board when the roads would be cleared and he said, not today, probably not tomorrow as the wind is going to blow. So that left Wednesday. He said it was a hard situation.

I had been dreading what I was now faced with. It was 5 degrees. The roads were blocked. The wind was just shifting out of the northwest to the west and south at about 10 mph. My friend told me it was too far to walk to my Grandpas place, so I told TL, "I have to go over there and check the animals. You stay here and I will see you when I get back".
TL informed me after some frowning on my part, that TL was walking along. The walk was 8 miles.

We put on about 20 pounds of clothes and boots as it was necessary. I took two mint candies for energy and a pint bottle of water. I also took a hair dryer to warm the hydrant to turn the water on, as I did not want anything broken.

I want to stress that TL and I are in shape. We are not tubbies or fatties. So we got going and it was cold, About  a mile into it, we had both warmed up and the wind was not so cold. It was shifting west at that point and then into the south. I hope all of you are paying attention in this, because all of you have dreams of evacuation or walking places to survive. I have told you what to expect. This is reality. Not some Health Ranger pointers on how to prep.

The first mile my legs were telling me this was not something they were on board for. I cautioned TL from an increased pace as we were in an Indian contest not a flight from the Indians. We were both quite warm by the second mile and started unzipping things for air and cooling off.

The roads were slippery, so we slipped. The roads had drifts so we did not have even ground. There was soft snow too so we had to plough those drifts for a path.

By the time I reached the beginning of the 4th mile, my hips were burning and I was thinking, I had to still walk home.

We made it to Grandpas and did chores in feeding, watering and moving some panels around. We did not sit around resting and as soon as we could we got moving as we started out at 12:10 PM and I was not looking to be out in the dark in the cold.

The trip home was more burning joints. I did allot of talking to take TL's mind off of things and to keep my mind off of the pain. I tell lots of stories in things I read, like here. If I was alone it probably would have been rougher as I would have been alone in my thoughts. I can detach from body pain, but going into my head. Is a skill I perfected as a child.

TL stated that some blisters appeared. I was more concerned about my groin  as I pulled muscles there on the inside legs in hunting out west for deer and that is one miserable pain in going up inclines and wincing like muscle is tearing with each step.I will point out I was in shape then too.

We made home at 3:45 PM. That was really good time, and as I told TL, "I would not want to be sleeping outside tonight after this trip."

We both were quite sore in our legs and back. My back in the kidneys hurts, because I am healing yet from inflamed intestines which always get aggravated in long trips or hard labor like this.

We each had our candy and a good sip of water at Grandpas before we set off.

On the way home, the water bottle started to freeze in my pocket and my wet chore gloves froze solid.

This is why I'm thanking the non donors who made my life hell along with TL's in not supporting the work here, in this real life experience. I'm sure TL and I will be legendary now in the nutty couple who walk around like the pioneers. We met some dude in a 4 x 4 pick up. He hit the snow drift we had mastered, turned around, shook his head as he went by defeated. The reason the donors can appreciate this in thanking the non donors as I'm absolutely convinced every one of them is going to die.

Our little 8 miles in zero weather as it was hitting that when we got home with a sharp chill, is not the 20 that settlers set a pace at. We were not carrying the army 40 or 90 pound packs, so we did not have bedding, food and other materials to try and survive. Do not think that you walking around Europe or America in this meltdown that people are going to invite you in to provide for you, even if you have gold. Gee gold is HEAVY. You will be throwing that shit away before you do 20 miles. I honestly do not believe that any of you have it in you to make 20 miles from your homes.

The Lame Cherry has explained that you will get blisters, your feet will be wet, you will want to rest, you will eat up your food, you will get run off by people, or raped and murdered by those people out there. You will get the chills, huddle up, get hypothermia in some shed, think you are getting warm and will just Jack London die.

I once had assessed that people would maybe make 100 miles on foot. I now believe that you will not make 10 miles, and then be so out of commission that you won't budge a few more miles, before you start thinking about going home as maybe the fires and nukes spared your home.

I do not care if you are Mike Cernovich in your vehicles and off road shit. Here is why. At the end of my driveway, there is the plastic guard of a bumper laying that broke off in the snow drift. I was amused as I tracked the situation, because on the right side I spotted oil dripping and 200 yards further, there was anti freeze. Someone hit that drift and broke a seal on their 4 X 4 transfer case and broke loose their radiator. Expensive repairs, but no one is going to repair your vehicle in a meltdown. So with an oil leak you will burn out your front end and without antifreeze, you will overheat your engine.

That is just one genius, and a genius like all of you non donors. Each of you had better start coming to the reality that you are going to die. The people around you are going to rape and murder you. Invading armies will rape and murder you. When you travel, you are going to get sore and tired, and someone is going to rape and murder you. You will flee back home in giving up, and someone will rape and murder you.

I am not going to challenge any of you to go on an 8 mile walk in real conditions, and I do not mean the Appalachian Trail with your sport boots on, because you are going to get yourselves hurt and probably die when it is easy.

When you try and flee, it will be real world weather like we just endured. None of you non donors have the will or mindset to survive. I will remind you that I just went through a month of HAARP hell in trying to break me, but God picked me back up, as I did allot of worrying, complaining and not sleeping as I was struggling to survive just here in building wood fires and taking care of things here with TL.

You  are going to have a shit load of Wormwood, nukes, mobs, sickness and being hunted which have worn you down, and then you are like a core to a pimple, only pop out when you have no alternative left after society breaks down, just like I went through which forced this walk. Things went well for us even with all the soreness, but I would have had to dug down twice as deep if things did not go that way, as I have done that before in do not have that in you.

So you non donors are being thanked for this impossible time, and that is all you will get in this world as your things you trust in disappear and you got your reward here, so you are not going to get one in Heaven. If you would have donated, I could have written about tractors moving snow or an ATV in snow or a 4 x 4 in snow so you are not the genius busting the front end on a drift or some other impediment. Instead, all of you have received the million dollar lesson in foot traffic, in the reality that you are not up to any of this.

In assessing the experience, as I have said, most people would benefit in fortress in place as they do not have it in them to make it in the outside world. It would be better to be raped and murdered in your home, because you are stupid, than to be left raped and dead by the side of the road You won't really care then, but now you would at least think it was more respectful to have rapists eating your food as you lay there dead than being run over by your vehicle and others by the side of the road.

I still have my Plan A, B and others, in rebuilding them from the evil people who tried to stop them. I know my range and I know my abilities, because non donors made it hard while they had it easy. The tides turn and as this melts down, I will have the things that the rich people had who will then be dead, like you non donors will be contributing to the community you are now in.

My children will have my protection. They are not idiots any of them and they all assess and know their spheres too. The rest of you, you at least know your future, you are going to be murdered where you are or murdered on the road as you can not walk any further.

The time it took to type this, some ibuprofen, a wine chaser, some sitting and by God I'm snapping right back again. You non donors are not me though in so many ways. You are now in denial in convincing that this won't happen and you can figure a way through.

I will let you to that figuring.

Nuff Said

