Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Christophobes of Ukraine

Rome fed Christians to the lions. I, Zellinskyy, will feed Christians
American HIMARS missiles to end this scourge.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is one thing when American Christophobes persecuting American Christians in models such as Rob Reiner and the ADL censors of Twitter, but it is another matter when the Co Opters of DC, now backed by the FBI and DIA police state, having transferred billions of dollars which Americans can not afford to Ukrainazis, led by the Jew Zellinskyy, who has been so empowered that in the Ukraine Nazi police state, supported by America, Britain, France, Germany, Scandinavia, the Low Lands and Baltic states is engaged in Christian Genocide in Ukraine, against Protestant Christians.

Zelensky announces a decree banning religious organizations and churches in Ukraine with “ties to Russia.”

His government has also been raiding Ukrainian Orthodox churches and arresting priests.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 2, 2022

America, a nation founded in Plymouth and Jamestown whose charters specifically state colonists arrive here to bring the Gospel to unsaved savages, is now the platform which has created the Christian Holocaust in Ukraine.

The specific law by the Jew Zellinskyy is moving through the dictatorship to become the law of the land.

President Zelensky of Ukraine announced Draft Law 8821, which will make the Ukrainian Orthodox Church illegal throughout the country. 

Yes, not since the Edomite King Herod for Rome, beheaded John the Baptist as he saw it pleased the people as once such arisen who is about to wipe out a Christian religion. Adolf Hitler never did  this. Stalin did not do this, but the American NATO backed Zellinskyy is engaged in this, making being a Protestant Christian a crime.

The world has gone from Nazi crimes against humanity to Zellinskyy Crimes against Chirst, and there is not one response coming from the GOPliters or democrats, nothing from the CIA pulpit standers who have taken over American religion.

Merry Christmas.

May Christ come back quickly Amen and Amen.

