Can't we infect the wogs with cheaper blankets and pocket the savings?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Rense site had picture up which revealed that the United States had funded in a circle around Russia, bio labs in other nations. Pictures are one thing in this era, but when Judicial Watch in a freedom of information act, discovers that the United States is involved in managing dangerous biological materials in Ukraine, this is beyond disturbing since Dr. Anthony Fauci oversaw the contracting in Wuhan China of the Coronavirus which was deliberately spread throughout the world.
“These new documents shed needed light on U.S. involvement in the management and handling of pathogens in Ukrainian biolabs,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
On March 8, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned that Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.”
On March 26, 2022, the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden helped secure funds for a U.S. biolab contractor in Ukraine.
According to a webpage expunged from the website of the State Department:
PACS [Pathogen Asset Control System] was first installed in Ukraine in test mode in November 2009 at the Interim Central Reference Laboratory of the Especially Dangerous Pathogens (ICRL). Since then, Sanitary-Epidemiological Department (SED) of the Medical Command of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense received four mobile laboratories from DTRA with the goal of reinforcing the system of epidemiological surveillance in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Lame Cherry will be short in this as to what this appears to be. Some very important and connected people decided upon a policy which has never been revealed to Congress or thee American People, whereby there would be the old British small pox blankets produced around competitors to the western international globalists (American Citizens Included) by creating bio labs which would be provided some of thee most horrific agents known to mankind, for the purpose of "accidents" will happen, and thereby so weaken and degrade nations involved, that they will succumb to the operation.
The British infected American Indians with anthrax and infected George Washington with anthrax. It was royal policy in the most dirty of warfare without a war. In British policy the regime simply won because the other peoples were so devastated by disease.
Anthrax as was involved in this Ukraine situation is of particular use, as it will spread over large areas, will not mutate, will lay in the soil for years and will kill at an affirmed rate as people get naturally sick through fatigue.
There was a splendid study which appeared on PBS documenting such an event in the Soviet Union, where an accident released weaponized anthrax into the population, a small city near a lab. The sickness came in waves as people's immune systems broke down from cold weather. Anthrax is a spore which will continue on indefinitely and appears in drought cycles in the United States as it is released in dust clouds.
Ukraine has no business nor any of these nations with anything dangerous. The nonsense that is was to monitor the armed forces of Ukraine is without logic. One does not need a bio lab with anthrax to monitor if the Ukrainazi have anthrax as anthrax just does not appear like a chemical weapon which sets off sensors. People and animals contract this spore and a disease kills them.
You may remember the fiasco of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's office recieving anthrax, much to his chagrin. What followed was a bizarre framing and cover up. The only logical conclusion in this was that someone on the inside sent the letter to Daschle's office because he was not playing by the rules or they wanted the public alerted to what was taking place in American labs. We will never know what the reality is, other than Tom Dachle was Obama's Obamacare Boy, and the only person who the liberals abandoned in the Obama dictatorship was one Tom Daschel. Daschle apparently had people who could bring him down and could send him anthrax that he had displeased.
So now we know for certain that the United States was engaged in a non public agenda of breeding bio weapons in a circle around Russia and into China. Wuhan effectively brought down the United States by design. Now this same series of labs still exist, save those the Russians destroyed and confiscate the working papers out of and the only reason for their existence was the use of them to spread diseases into Russia and China to destabilize them as much as Wuhan destabilized America.
This is criminal stuff. This is the kind of stuff that is designed to get the United States nuked, while London banking just watches the ashes of the world and contemplates how much they will earn processing the corpses of Americans and Russians.
Thee American left was all about nuclear disarmament when the Soviet Union was funding it. Where is the left now, but burning down cities for Obama Biden power that Trump affirmed for 4 years. We need more than Judicial Watch finding these damning records and releasing them. We need an international policy which ends the study of these agents with no more of this proliferation, as we now have numbers of these labs showing up in America and England who are splicing the deadly Coronavirus Wuhan into other vectors, making it easier to spread. We do not need research like this and the only reason for this kind of reserach is to create a weapon against humanity so the conglomerates can force injections on us to protect us from the death they created.
The Bible is Prophesying factually when God's Word said unless these times are shortened, no one would be left alive on earth.
Coof Coof.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.