Thursday, January 19, 2023

Activating A World War IV Army

Russian Army Set To Up Number Of Soldiers
To 1.5 Million, Create 24 New Divisions

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry in this examination of events is here to alert you, not alarm. When Russia has moved to a 1.5 million man army, that is not to take Ukraine, that is not to occupy Ukraine. A military that large is to fight a war against NATO aggression, which Russia fully believes in this Holy War, will take place sometime in the end of 2023 or the early part of 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

The Lame Cherry posts a great deal of history here. She reads a great deal. She studies a great deal, and what you have to comprehend, is what was done to Russia will all of these sanctions, is exactly the same economic warfare which was unleashed against the Kaiser' Germany after World War I. The Co Opters have attempted to turn the Russian economy into a hyper inflation economy to kill that nation, just as the allies did to Germany. What I desire for you to comprehend is, Adolf Hitler struck upon an economy to save Germany. As Germany had no resources, what the National Socialist did is EXACTLY what is taking place in America, England, France, Germany and the lesser nations of Europe in importing slave migrant labor, borrow excessively and plug the conglomerates into their Treasuries.

What is taking place in Russia is exactly the polar opposite. Russia has oil, so it has revenue, which it has been spending since the year 2000 on nuclear survival and upgrades to it's military. It has food and it has a robust munitions trade with other nations. The Russian economy is operating smoothly, but you must remember the 1.5 million Russians in the military. Russia has a large population, so it is not being hindered in this call up of the expanding military. What this is accomplishing though is the same situation in the Reich army, it is employing healthy Russians and it is keeping them under military jurisdiction, so that they will behave. Russia is now operating at a wartime economy, and is expanding to a global wartime economy.

There are 3 allies in the Russian alliance. China, Russia and Iran. Iran is what is of value in this, as Iran is set to open a front against American clients in Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Iran will win this outcome and drive the United States out of the Middle East. This is an attrition to America and NATO, which is suffering immense attrition in their horrid NATO examples in the Ukrainazi who are losing to the MERCS and Conscripts of Russia.
NATO deployed a Maginot Line. Russia shattered it. NATO deployed their best trainees. Russia obliterated them. NATO deployed their most advanced weapons, Russia neutralized them. The idea was to cripple and Balkanize Russia in Ukraine. What has taken place is an immense defeat for NATO in Ukraine.

I am going to invest the time to educate new readers, as they will wonder about World War IV. World War I was the 7 Years War  fought in the 1700's. It was the first global war. The Great European War was the Second World War. World War II was World War III, and the war which is appearing is World War IV.

America is no longer an arsenal of democracy. She has been looted by the cartel who set up this Ukraine war for reason. America has been voided of it's White Fighting Force, there is no defense in wokeness. Europe is worse. Europe's last prophet and warrior is imprisoned in Scandinavia for being a "terrorist". The fact is that what he wrote about is now all coming true.

One must realize as Russia does is that this disarming of NATO, defeating of NATO, turning NATO into this gender neutral force, is by design to sucker Russia and China out to attack, where space weapons will in mass destruction win the war with hybrid humanicide poisons. There has not though been any recklessness from Russia or China. They are building their forces and not trusting in cartel voodoo of Germ Plagues and Weather Warfare.

The Russians are not ignorant. The cartel West has been broadcasting their Davos agenda for decades. Russia experienced their kills shots in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and survived. The Russians were far too trusting in Mr. Putin believed Bush43's lies about NATO expansion. Mr. Medvedev believed Obama's lies about being flexible. Mr. Putin believed Merkel's lies at Minsk. The Russians are not clairvoyant, but they have learned. They will no longer trust the cartel West.
For that the Russians in having read the same braggerts staging that America was going to topple all the regime's in the Mideast. began playing long term chess in preparing a global battlefield. Russia went into Syria and expanded to a military front there. Russia has a hard ally in Iran which will fight in the Mideast.
The Lame Cherry will provide even that Russia has moved into the Pacific on the Kuril Islands of Japan. This is about World War IV, just as Russia's ally in North Korea is about World War IV, as much as China.

With that understanding, we now have the basis of examination of the war in Ukraine which was a Russian chess piece. The United States, as Co Opter pawns of the cartel, has 3 main armies. NATO in Europe. Centcom in the Mideast and Pacific command. Russia at this point as defeated NATO. It would behoove Russia to engage another exhaustive military engagement for American stores in the Mideast where the United States is attempting to eliminate Iran. If you connect the theater, America is long on projection in the Mideast, the Pacific is a very long journey. Europe is being disarmed. Once Russia is secure in it's European front, the logic as they are setting America up with Syria and Turkey to be bombed out of Turkey, is to fight a war against CENTCOM with the proxies of Tel Aviv and Saudi Arabia, against Iran, Hezbollah and Syria. There will not be any toppling of regimes. What will take place is what Russia is engaged in, in Ukraine. Killing the Ukraine army. The key to this is to use up munitions in the Mideast and to drive out demolished bases occupied by America and NATO. Achieve this and the United States has lost on two fronts and only has one long distance front of the Pacific Ocean left. Russia is already in the Pacific at Vlodvostock. China is the Pacific. America has only jungle rot bases. The Lame Cherry projects in this, that Russia wills to fight the United States in the Pacific theater. War scenarios against China dictate that the United States will lose 1/3rd of her naval craft in submarines attacking China. Russia added to this would expand the numbers 70%.

The Eurasians will trade amongst themselves on land. Having a navy does zero good to anything in a war like this. The reality is, that if China does invade Taiwan, instead of just using hypersonic missiles to destroy the computer chip industries, and fights this war there, that once the United States is neutralized in naval projection, that North Korea will annex South Korea, China will master the Philippines and Taiwan, and Russia will occupy the northern Japanese islands and force Japan to capitulate. The threat in this period then become Russia retaking their North American holding of Alyeska with China.

Expensive weapons and technology take years to build, train and deploy. America will not be capable of fielding a replacement high tech answer to the first question being neutralized in the Pacific.

So in synopsis, Russia has made the correct chess moves to fight America in the Pacific, after the United States has lost it's other two proxy wars, where China will be the joining force to use up American munitions.

Meet you on the other side.

Revealed - The Blitzkrieg Operation By Russian
Paratroopers - How They Took The City In One Night

Final Phase Of The Russian Op In Bakhmut Has Begun
Videos Of AMERICANS Fighting Russians In The City
Madman Zelensky Sent 25,000 Troops

Half Of Those Fighting On Kiev’s Side
Near Soledar Are Mercenaries

In Soledar, the Russian military produced an outstanding victory in General MacArthur military planning. Once again, like the Maginot Line, the Ukrainazi were hiding behind fixed defenses and mine fields. The Russians using helicopters, as Americans pioneered in the 7th Air Cavalry in Vietnam, flew in forces behind the enemy and caught them by surprise. They had the Ukrainazi pinned in their trenches against their own mine fields. The Russians then pinned down Ukrainazi forces attempting to come to the rescue. In 5 hours the Russians obliterated the most important position Ukraine still held.

Russia was caught flat in the early success of NATO using Elon Musk's Starlink, in exposing holes in the Russian lines which Ukraine attacked.  The situation has now changed in Russia understands who it is fighting and their operational reactions. Having gleaned this experience, Russia is preparing for World War IV if NATO moves to expand and attack Russia, whether in the Mideast or in Europe. Russia has taken the advantage points and is readying a military which is designed to take ground after the technology of America wears out.

The one area which I believe will show that Russia is serious and will "come" is when information begins to show that Russia is pulling it's armada of tanks out of storage. That is where this war in Europe will be decided. One does not need these massive modern tanks, but instead the T 58 and T 72 models which would be troop carriers and as all of the TOW and Javelin Systems would be used up, older tanks would provide all any military would need.

Russia is preparing for a land war with the United States. They will win this war, due to the fact America has nothing but woke Darwins and this war will be fought on Eurasian and Alyeskan soil.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
