Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Keep Calm The Lame Cherry Is Generating


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was trying to figure out something that made no sense to me in something I was asked about in Stable Diffusion.

It is a program that generates images, it is called AI.

You can play with it. I entered Lame Cherry as the first generator and the second I put in Jenny 8657309 after the Tommy TuTone song.

Here is what come up.

I was a bit disappointed.

Jenny 8675309 is a great rock song and well.............I'm the greatest blogger ever, and all I get from this ignorant AI is a Bing  Cherry, something that looks like an atomic bomb, ice cream cone cherry, lots of cherries and I guess the last one makes me think it looks like weird alien sex.

So I started looking around on my desktop for something pretty, and I found Silvy Araujo, who came up in a search engine for sexy Norwegian women, and as the links on this said something about version 2.0 banned porn and notable artists, I added Playboy as the kids killed that empire.

Here is what came up.......no first this is Silvy at her best as a youngster.

This is how the AI sees her.

Damn this AI has a real hate on for Spanish women. I mean this is so ugly that it makes you wince. Genetic freaks and mutants are what the computer mind sees.

I was feeling bad about the AI in how it sees me, until I saw how it sees Silvy. She might just go into depression or sue them geniuses who came up with this idea. I just don't know what I would have done if something that ugly had generated off of me.

I honestly had wondered if this was something more for counterfeiting, I mean money, not creating Mona Lisa 2.0 for profit, because unless you are Hunter Biden, getting Ukraine money to buy your splashes, I don't think anyone is going be buying some dead Andy Warhol work as what is the point.

I simply could not leave this on that ulgy Silvy AI so I entered Mona Lisa and then Raquel Welch.......my stomach is hot and upset as I should have left this all alone as what generated was Groaner Lisa.

I can tell you no one is going to pay money for this.

Damn like it is like Elephant Man meets misogyny. If you notice the AI loves background landscapes.

Well feeling that queezy I tried again..........I entered Raquel Welch and Mona Lisa. I do feel a bit better as Silvy does not have to feel so depressed now.

I had read something about Anime, but this ain't even bad Anime. It looks like a cross with Grey aliens and a hatred of Latin chicas from 10,000 BC.

I think the best way to end this is, that I will offer Silvy some comfort and invite Raquel over for a Cherry Coke. It will be difficult in being the most lovely AI creation among two of the most other lovely women than me on the planet. But I am sure they will agree that coming in second behind such a gracious winner as me.

Aug 9, 2022 ... Tommy Tutone es una banda de power pop, mejor conocida por su éxito de 1981 "867-5309/Jenny ", que alcanzó el puesto número 4 en el ...
