Monday, January 16, 2023

Russia has appointed their Eisenhower


A/GETHA V. Gerasimov

Commander in Chief of Aerospace Forces, General of the Army, Sergiei Suroykin.

Supreme Commander of the groun forces, General of the Army

Oleg Salyukov

Deputy Chief of the Geneal Staff of the Armed Forces of the Rusian Federation, General Alexei Kim

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a rather good informational site, and used the links on another post, even if it was a Russiaphobic site and often railed against Milbots for Russia spreading zealous success of the Russians in Ukraine.

The fact is, the Russian conscripts and Mercs have performed a massive liberation in Soledar. While they still are days to a week in clearing the main roads there in cutting them off, they have shattered what was left of the Ukrainazi army in the south.

In order to protect the nuclear manufacturing facilities in the salt mines, Grubber Zellinskyy deployed his best 3 units. The Mountain Division was last heard, hiding in basements in this area. The headlines below show what was the outcome of the other fighters.

Russia Appoints New Commander Of All
Russian Forces In Ukraine In Preparation
For Direct War With NATO

Unthinkable Carnage - 25,000 Uke Soldiers
Killed In Total In Soledar -Hard Video - Many
Jumped From Five Story Building - Russian Raid
On Trenches - Brutal Combat Video

The success in Soledar literally means the southern front has been shattered. It will now have to move back 50 to 100 miles to new locations. Grubber Zellinskyy is completing his holocaust of Slavs in Ukraine.

By all appearances with the name of General of the Army Gerasimov, and appointing the 3 divisional generals under his leadership, President Putin has found his Eisenhower and is about to begin the phase of this war, in which Russia will complete the middle phase of this. The Russians are not going to utilize attrition any longer. They will now begin the systematic obliteration in Kiev's ability to field a fighting force.

 I still believe that Russia will wait until February to launch the northern offensive, to not be sucker caught by HAARP weather bombs of Arctic cold and snow, but with the end of Soledar in the grasp of understanding of even those who hate Russia, we will witness a most like rolling up of Ukraine.

This is why NATO is sending in more anti aircraft systems. They are attempting to make Russian infantry bleed with the heavy armour being shipped in from NATO. I doubt Russia will bleed anything of consequence.

As the headline heralds, Russia is taking the steps for direct conflict with NATO. This is the phase of the war where American wokesters in the DC Co Opters might start a nuclear war, and that means America will be scorched earth.

Any objective examination of Russian forces, must conclude the Russians have the finest operational military in the world. It is successful in deployments in strategic venues as Syria and is able in pocket warfare in Ukraine. It is absolutely at the highest level in urban and guerrilla warfare as in Chechnya.

They are preparing to fight the vaxed, fat, homosexual pedophiles of NATO. They will obliterate them even more ruthlessly than they did the Ukrainazi, who are all trained and equipped NATO soldiers. Russia is defeating NATO.

In examination of NATO, they can not and will not win a war, any more than they did in Afghanistan.

Maybe people should start posting and saying honest things about the Russian abilities, in case this goes south, because just like the FBI, the Russians will go through all of these files and probably already are, and perhaps show those who were fair in analyzing this war, a fairness the West has not shown it's own people.

Nuff Said

