Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The TriState

Let us have a trio en celebración de nos nouveaux mâles vaginaux.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While you were occupied with the Biden Classified Documents diversion, the real gulag was being formed around you from Central America to the Arctic Pole in the DECLARATION OF NORTH AMERICA.

Signed by Dictator Biden, that fem Trudeau and that fat White Priv Mex, the stated agenda right out of the United Nations is in small print. In bold print is the Lame Cherry translation of what is coming. Just think of it as a perpetual Jan6 hunt down of North Americans, being replaced by invaders, and raping children as the legal agenda.

The list of goals in this document are separated into six categories:

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion; PROMOTING SEX DEVIANTS & PERVERSION
  • Climate change and the environment; ENDING FREEDOM OF TRAVEL
  • Migration and development; INVASION & SLAVE LABOR
  • Regional security. UNIVERSAL POLICE STATE

The cartel has ended the trust people have in the system we exist in. There will be a new order being installed, and this is it. With the end of national currency for e coins, social justice scores, staged shortages and this police state in control, this is the order which is formed for North America and the world.

Nuff Said
