Monday, January 16, 2023

To Build A Pyrrhic Holocaust

Ukrainian soldiers saying,”The people in Kiev had better hope that the Russians get to them before we do… because we’ll kill them.” 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting that the globalist choices for the end of Americans was a foreign born Barack Hussein Obama for America and a guild member for Ukraine in the Grubber Zellinskyy. Ukraine genocide of Slavs had many fathers in John the hero McCain, Lindsey Graham, Victoria Nuland, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and currently Dictator Joe Biden.

It is all become clear that the Neocon prepared a projection where they could fracture Russia into various peoples, put them at war against each other and reap the spoils, by setting up the various Nazi leaders in Kiev, placing NATO into the training of terrorists, making a Maginot Line in Donbass, and forcing Russia into an unprepared for war by a genocide of Russians in Donbass.

This action would be followed by these massive sanctions which Bush43, Obama, Trump and now Biden have unleashed which were designed to implode Russia. The fact in examining the entire projected outcome of this has been an utter failure. Russia has become stronger not weaker. Ukrainian Slavs were used as fodder to provide a Greater Jewish State in Ukraine, but what is emerging is one of the most bizarre conglomerate holdings in the world. Ukraine under Grubber Zellinskyy is becoming an extension of American Conglomerates as a money and arms laundering state, which has human traffick and I would suspects of illegal drugs in the trade that ends up in Western banks.

For the proof of Conglomerate Ukraine as a stock holding for rapine.

So emboldened is this criminal legal lawlessness, is that these hedgefunds and major arms merchants are sponsoring Ukrainazi events like OJ Simpson hawking for Hertz Rent A Car.

Literally the US Financial Military Complex of Hedgefund dictatorship is the neo Rothschilds in starting wars, supplying wars, profiting from wars and in the end taking over the entire nation as an extension of the corporate board room.

This is the first time in history that conglomerates are the policy decision and making the wars, not the nations they are in.

I have not inquired on any of this, but I believe if weather is permitting that Russia will launch their winter campaign around the same time they did last year in February. HAARP in the United States has made a complete disaster for the Schwabian plans to take control of Europe and to stop the Russians. Their phobic Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years storms have sapped all the power which was need to make weather war in Europe.
Yes there is some new weird stratospheric monster opening over England, which may or may not appear, but it is the same fictional Polar Vortex, which should have been freezing the Russians in place. Instead the Russians have been breaking the pieces that work in Ukraine with precise effect.

Russia's first move was February 24th, basically too late to unleash weather warfare upon them, so expect the same operational plan, as this time the Russians intend to take Ukrainian railroads and transport their equipment. What the Nazis of Germany failed to do in their bogged down campaign.

Washington’s proxy war with Russia is the result of a carefully constructed plan to embroil Russia in conflict with its Ukrainian neighbor. From the moment that President Putin indicated that his government would not tolerate a NATO military presence on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine, Washington sought to expedite Ukraine’s development into a regional military power hostile to Russia. The Maidan coup allowed Washington’s agents in Kiev to install a government that would cooperate with this project. PM Merkel’s recent admission that she and her European colleagues sought to exploit the Minsk Accords to buy time for the military building in Ukraine confirms the tragic truth of this matter.” (“US Colonel explains America’s role in provoking Russia-Ukraine conflict“, Lifesite)

The Neocons have had many ideas these past decades. Nation building in Gaza......that elected terrorists to power. Nation building in Iraq.......that converted Iran into a Russian proxy superpower and put Russia inside Syria. Afgahnistan......welcome back Taliban.

Their latest idea of Polish Zbigniew Brzezinski who died still fighting the Soviet Union after it not longer existed, is this madness in Ukraine. Yes it is making lots of money for the feudal few in war munitions, money laundering, sex traffick, drug traffick and you got to know that high oil prices helps the few, as much as this nutty green electric cars and hydrogen cells in a monopoly, but IT IS NOT WORKING.

I do not think for a moment that the cartel does not have a big book of plans if the Neocons fall flat again as they do, but that will be expanded versions of this. See if you can't kill Russia in Ukraine, you try to kill Russia in the Mideast, if not the Mideast, then the Balkans, then Europe. You just keep making Russia fight wars until it no longer has the system to do it......or the Bohemian seers who said the Americans spray some nation wide green hybrid poison over Europe that kills all the Russians on the lines from the Rhine to Italy.

So the Russians will win in Ukraine, contrary to the Neocons, but there are more American fodder disasters and retreats building as these zealots of the wokeism believe they can win in endless Pyrrhic Victories.

So if you are weary over Ukraine, the Russians are not yet, but there are other wars coming to them. That is not to say that Russia is not prepared. Iran is receiving very victorious munitions from Russia to use against Tel Aviv and Riyadh. The Lame Cherry would counsel the Arab Sheiks to  continue with their client support of Moscow, get Moscow to not let Tehran blow up things in Saudi Arabia and find an ally with Turkey as the Saudi's are expendable in Tel Aviv orders of battle and they no longer have any friends in London or DC.

Russia is not invested enough in the Balkans. They have tried, but that is where this situation is going. I suspect as the cartel is masters of deception, that the Russians will be offered the world in the east in a peace accord, after Iran is victorious in a must rubble inducing war in the Mideast, and America is reeling back. That peace will leave them smug and thinking secure, when what will be manifesting is an anti Christ, most popular of all will cement power in Europe, and the Europeans will in this new peace, start invading North Africa and the Mideast to get the position they desire.

That will bring about the big war, but the United States is destined to be of no use to Europe in this and no threat to Russia or China, which will of course entice them to come out. Yes the above conglomerates never factored in that the cartel will willingly shatter it's most powerful piece economically and militarily, in order to gain the board. Expect some history repeating itself with a WMD flavor in the land of the Co Opters, as that is the logical projection of all of this.

From the things being mentioned in America, it would seem that a May - July period will introduce a new phase in this after Russian victories. The Jews like June for surprise attacks as that is when they hit Iraq. Terrorists like that period too according to the seers.

We have a world of multinationals which are now taking control of nations, Ukraine being the first corporate state office. The Schwabians in their equally nutty ideas in having failed at Weather Mod and Vaxes, have this worked out that they will inherit the corporate state.  The guild like the Vatican has no military to project it's will so it's ideas are still rather just on paper, but that is where this is devolving to.

 The pure evil of building a pyrrhic holocaust.
