Sunday, February 26, 2023

Just a Little FACTA Check


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry always enjoys the work of Yiochi Shimatsu, who is sort of an anime version of me, with more yellow fever.

His work on the crypto scam of FTX is a smaller picture of the entire intelligence operation of what e coin is. While he does not seem to notice the number of guild members involved handling money for laundering, he does fill in, where the money laundering from overseas appeared after Obama got his terror millions out of Lebanon, and how John McCain set up that clever ISIS scam with Obama in stealing oil out of Syria and Iraq to funnel into campaign slosh funds.

Let us go on to FTX.

You will be reading that the genesis of FTX coin was the Obama regime's FACTA, the unAmerican realization of going after people who had money in foreign banks, which of course was a threat to those who had overthrown the government. The reality is though when Birther Hussein made a listing of all US Citizen assets, it also made a list of it's crooks. No more money laundering as before. George Soros had to set up "NGO's" or foundations to buy elections.

So what was Joe Biden going to do for cash for his run in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, as Hillary Clinton had her finances clipped in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord?

The answer was the intelligence network's creation of e coins to disrupt the Chinese and Russian economies. In this case with FTX, they went offshore to Hong Kong to rob the Chinese and other drug cartels of money. For two years they were occupied with laundering billions with Mosaad taking the greater cut.

There has been a rolling organized crime in RICO involved in buying US elections. Bill Clinton turned to the Chinese to sell out America for graft in his second run. The Bush family set up the hedgefund billionaires. Obama was laundering money on credit cards from Muslims using fake money in the United States. Then there was the Obama McCain ISIS front of Kurds stealing oil from Iraq and Syria for political gain.

That all changed with Mormon Romney in the goal posts were moved. The end result was FTX was sent into Hong Kong for this criminal looting.

Meet you on the other side.

Jul 27, 2022 ... The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was passed as part of the HIRE Act, generally requires that foreign financial ...

Sep 29, 2022 ... The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is an important development in U.S. efforts to combat tax evasion by U.S. persons holding ...

So this branch of e coin was another RICO colony among crooked politicians. What was found in this though is once FTX fled Hong Kong for the West Indies, it became a new more lucrative platform in shifting back to one the biggest criminal looting on the planet in the fleeced people of Ukraine.  You can see why Paul Manafort got thrown into jail over Ukraine. He had taken money that the cartel coveted, and had done so legitimately for investment. That was all put an end to, as FTX arose to launder Ukrainian money to the same cronies as before.

Meet you on the other side.

Welcome FTX to the Last Crown Colony!

So with the FATCA rules in place, no U.S. linked office in Hong Kong could transfer a few billion bucks to the Democrat candidate in the wings, good old Uncle Joe. Therefore, here’s the punchline, the great revelation, deep insight and fortunetelling: The cryptocurrency outfit FTX arrived just in time to set up shop in Hong Kong. In less than 2 years, several months after the fake ballots were counted for Biden’s electoral victory, the crew at FTX HK packed its bags and fled to the Bahamas. Got that? Now repeat in your own words what was just stated: The FiX was in, thanks to FTX.

My mother along with several of my ex-girlfriends liked to harangue me about the evils of alcohol consumption, as women do since they’d rather spend the money on another new dress. What’s so worthy about paying for warm beer? Without a rambling conversation inside the dark corner of a pub, how in hell would I ever been able to figure out how the no-good bastards did it and why? Booze is in the public interest to protect law and order for the little people who are constantly and repeatedly being lied to and ripped off. If my history lessons were not mistaken, Robin Hood liked his pint of ale.

For the Benefit of Sober Minds

To rephrase what was just stated for those who believe that booze is worse than being a transvestite, here is the political economy in proper English: The creation of FTX by major Democratic Party campaign funders was the means to open a temporary channel for the Biden campaign to secretly receive billions of dollars (for the purpose of vote rigging and voter payoffs) from the Beijing government slush fund and cash contributions from elite Chinese business interests. In the year prior to the 2019 U.S. presidential elections, the older channels for unaccountable fund transfers from Asia to the USA had been cut off by the following factors: first, the legendary investigative journalist Wayne Madsen’s trip to Macau to expose illicit cash shipments by the Sands casino group of Sheldon Adelson via its Mormon security staff to the presidential campaign of Mitt Romney; and second, the Obama administration’s FATCA banking law imposed on American citizens living abroad mandating the hiring of an American attorney and U.S. registered accountant to monitor overseas bank accounts.

Given these barriers to free movement of illicit cash from the China realm to the USA to throw the elections, the Biden cabal, particularly his son Hunter who was an “old China hand” aka bagman for his father and the Democrats, had to open an unregulated and non-monitored cash pipeline from Hong Kong to the American Midwest to fund the election tampering and vote-buying in the 2019 presidential campaign against the incumbent Donald Trump. This is why and how FTX was created for this specific task of non-regulated cryptocurrency transfers of large sums of illicit funds “donated” by the Communist Party leadership and various business tycoons to shoehorn their Manchurian Candidate Joe Biden into the White House. Once that task was achieved, done, finished, FTX folded its tent in Hong Kong in less than two years after start-up and moved to The Bermudas for another operation, stealing Ukraine sympathizers’ money to fund Pentagon weapons to the Zelensky gunrunning scame, in serious violation of U.S. treaty law and European banking laws.

Where’s Hunter?

Billions of dollars in weapons have been sold and laundered out of Ukraine and only the devil knows what else has moved by slight of hand. What is the fact is the financial accounts which are monitored are not showing any activity, so that means that FTX having been looted as designed, that there is another crypto which has taken over in this scheme.

That is where we are at, at this point. Dictator Biden is apparently running again, so whatever he is plugging into in this, is definitely pulling money out of Ukraine. It is appearing in new e coins which are evading the procedures which are keeping track of all the bright eyed and hopeful other players.

The end game in this, will be the gold in Moscow and Peking. You will never see that, but that is what is the focus of this and where this is all going after a war to end all wars.

It is though the ugly in all of this as the same crooks from 500 years ago are doing the same thing crooks were engaged in 200 years ago.

The game is rigged and none of us are going to make any money in this, only the few will who set up the books and are already moving funds in the next front.

Nuff Said
