Monday, February 6, 2023

Taking One for the Team


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The guild Murdoch clan of the Sun featured the prominent American cities for nuke attacks. How they arrived at the featured cities was not explained.

The Lame Cherry can shed some light on the reasoning of the guild members.

Let us start with the Murdoch's Jew York City. Yeah if they want to cover up all the looting of America, that would be a nuke choice, as on 9 11. Just remember the cartel has to find someone to blame for this, and the reason is not just picking turd balls out of their asses. It is to hide crimes or to hit something expendable.

If you noticed the Jews of America met with Netanyahu's new regime and were quite vocal in bitching about how much the new regime was singling out sex pervs for exclusion and protecting Jewish wombs from being shot in the military. American Jewry likes dead Jew wombs for some reason and loves pervs. Jew York City is where this power interest is located. Ridding itself of mouthy people who do not know their places would be a reason to hit the Big Ap, but the primary reason would be to eliminate the book keeping.

DC the District of Co Opters. I could see a decapitation of the leadership, but DC has no leadership or command and control. They are all puppets. It might streamline things in going directly to the Nazi conglomerates, who own nations now like Ukraine, but the cartel does not like dealing with things that sit down with Klaus Schwab. That is why they have him talking to Bill Gates.

Yes if DC was in command and in control. Otherwise leaving the wokesters in place is about the greatest asset at taking over the world.

Chicago. That is second city, like in commodities. It's main feature is the dope and black market trade laundering billions. As the cartel requires this kind of management, not much reason to nuke it. Terrorists yes, Eurasians yes, but a cartel operation would not hit that toddlin' town.

Houston. I see the point, Big oil, big port. If you do not want to suck oil and gas out of America to fuel European villas, then sure. Otherwise, Houston is sort of a choice, but it would do more harm than good to those behind this.

Here is where I think things look promising, the shit holes of San Fran and LA. Back in the Black Death days, villages burned themselves down and the rats ran away with the disease and infected other villages spreading the disease.
Now nuke San Fran is just........ok they got fog which helps in nuke stuff, but they got hills. Not a good nuke choice. I should say that everyone of these choices by the Murdochs do not fulfill the nuclear criteria of Hiroshima in a city in a bowl of hills to reflect the blast force for optimum results. Most American cities do not match that criteria.

In stating that, San Fran would be a waste, LA has promise. Some hills of course for reflection, but the reason one would hit California would be to flush the two legger rats into the surrounding areas, like California has destroyed Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Montana and Missouri. They are a plague of liberal disease and their infection is money to spend locals out of the market.

So California has the most appeal. Lots of rats, but San Diego is a better choice.......but the Murdochs probably like that Med climate there and do not want it scorched.

I think these are pretty poor choices. I do not see Russia ever nuking America until Russia is defeated. Then it will be submarines. China is just too inept. When nukes come to America it will be a staged operation and the culprit will be blamed, probably those turban heads of Iran, so America can bomb them to American retreat, and Tel Aviv will just maneuver people into taking one for the team again.

The Murdochs seem more interested in the business of nuking certain commerce. A John the hero McCain would have more of a strategic look to it, like when he lectured Birther Hussein in that debate, before they became buddies like George W is buds with Michelle.

Ok will expand now as, why not, in this teaching lesson, so you children and brats learn something, beyond pornography.

This is like when the Director of National Intelligence calls you up and says, "Look I know you work for someone with all your skills, so the President wants a briefing as she saw the Murdochs were doing business again. So of course you fire up the camera and do a sit down with some kind of charts you made up in a few minutes and gave like 15 seconds of thought to.

So the map below is your thing that they all print out and study in silence as you say something like, "Look Madame President, the Murdochs are in business, and they got 6 nukes for commerce. What you should consider from one of the last nuclear experts around, is something like this.

Here are 8 cities. I invested sometime to sort of grid them, so they all connect in a certain way. I apologize in  I included San Fran, but there is too big of gap in the illustration without it. Normal cartel events would include military bases.

Here is the thing, 8 cities or locations, unlike the work of Harry Truman, in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, a coming event would seek to kick up debris from the ground, enhance it with fires, to make more contamination downwind in fall out. As winds in America under HAARP warfare are all over the place in spinning different directions, what would be of effect would be like Cobalt, the big heaters, which would convert cobalt deposits which are in lots of cell phones and computers. Probably them green car batteries too.

Hitting targets on the boarders waste effect, as what the effect is, is spreading a weave of matter over the largest possible area. In the above, think of this more as a spear point, concentrating effect into the American interior.

This point centered on Kansas City and Omaha,  would prevail no matter the direction of the wind or HAARP storms. There is not jack or shit in the West really. The effect must fall out east of the Mississippi.

The John the hero McCain strategy would be to kill the 8 locations, and then by the effect kill in long term, in short term panic, major metropolitan areas in like number and a combined hundreds of lesser cities.
The shift in population panic fleeing and moving to areas which could not sustain them, would cause a major economic crisis, worse than the 8.

You get allot of silence in these kind of briefings. Then there is always someone who thinks  they are intelligent with their pocket monkey challenging you and you just say, "Thank you Madame President, that is the data and the briefing", and you lean back and respond not further, unless Director who invited you or the main spoke ask something.
I play allot of chess while waiting to be dismissed.

Then you go back to important things like cutting wood to keep warm or making supper.

Just remember when you see things, that most are for commerce. Very few are for strategy.

Old Steve has a cousin, who flies allot into China. The Chicoms ask him if he is CIA and the FBI debriefs him in America and asks the same thing. He tells them, "If I was, I sure could not tell you."

They seem satisfied with that answer.

I promise I am not with the CIA.

Nuff Said
