Friday, February 17, 2023

The Mouse Bon Apetite


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I hate mouse traps.

The only thing I hate worse than mouse traps is mice.

The reason I hate mouse traps is their triggers are so damned evil. They are hard to set and are always snapping off on things when you set them. I hate that snap and the way I set them is to get them set and then just spring my hand back before anything snaps as I hate those traps.

The mother started using peanut butter for catching mice. It works but it just never is the kind of come all bait. Mice for being vermin are fussy.

The wicked Uncle always set up with cheese. As he never had cheese and this cheese was old as the dinosaurs I could not figure out how it allured anything.

So I used Colby as I like eating Colby. The mice were sort of impressed in I caught a few.

So I was Inspired to better cheese.

What I had was shredded Cheddar cheese, and by God that nailed the pretty good. Cheddar us dry, so it does not stay the best, but what I do is squish a shredded shred in that loop of the old style Victors.
I hate those new plastic shit triggers. They were built to snap human fingers more than catch mice.

So that is how I set up, along with my hole in the trap board with a string or wire so the trap stays in place and when it goes it is like Martin trapping. Did very well as mice apparently prefer Cheddar cheese. I do not , except in chili, but I ain't offering mice no chili, just the cheese and they go for it.

Has worked out for me pretty good.

Nuff Said

