Monday, February 27, 2023

The Ronazi

Alle Untreue ist jüdisch.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Creates New Requirement Aimed Directly At Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Halt! Address me as Mein Ober Ronazi of the GOPliters.
Wait, are you a Jew? You look like a Jew? We had problems
with that Jew thing last time with that Jared and Ivanka....

I am not a Nazi. I will not sign a loyalty oath. I will sign my thumb as 
I make him look like little me.

Bitte, Mein Ober Ronazi, I am not a Juden, even if I look like one.

Ja, Ja, Mein Ober Ronazi, I like this loyalty kampf.

Adolf Hitler didn't have to do any of this stuff.

Auf wiedersehen,  be sure to produce those gold teeth at the work camps.

Go back to being Mormons, Jews, Homosexuals and Minorities as you GOPliters do not measure up to the true identity.
