Sunday, February 5, 2023

To Feed Hay

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Richard and Stephanie remind me often enough how the things I talk about in Brier Patch dialogue makes no sense to anyone. Recently in the long journey cattle walk we took in 5 degree weather and the trouble of people who said they would feed, changed their minds, then changed their minds again, and glared at me as we drove by, had God inspire me to self feed cattle....self feed meaning the cattle feed themselves when I am not around.

This is not the best as they waste, but you can make them clean things up by not feeding them as plentiful, but that becomes a problem when you get more snow on the hay they pull down, shit on, trample on, piss on, and lay on. Today I was using a pitchfork to clean up some of the waste and it was put back into the bale feeder.

As I still have to write Richard and Stephanie about this, I will get to the point.

Below is how we are self feeding. These are portable cattle panels. They can be heavy like Powder River which can not be moved and rather light like the cheap ones we have that will bend.

I just hook them together with pins they have, and from the gait which  I open, I have the hay close, so the cattle can get to the hay. I put a come along winch on the end panels and winch them together on each side of the bales.

That is what you get by with, with non donors who steal from you and when people are satan or dark nun influenced to hinder me and make life harder.

Next up is the better offender in a round bale feeder. These things appeared in the 1970's and last about 10 years as they rust, cattle push on the and neighbors dump 1800 pound bales on them and bend them. I have one currently in buried snow that I have to weld up when the weather gets nice.

All this contraption is to keep feed from being pulled out. They still pull things out, but not as much.

Here is a genius bale feeder. Genius until you get into winter of 20 below and discover the metal footings have sunk into the frozen mud, and you try to lift it out with a loader and bend and break it.

Here is something that made me smile in my neighbor the other JYG got one of these in. My Beloved Uncle had one. These are loose hay when farmers and ranches used to put up haystacks. Back in the 1970's what preceded round bales was a round hay stacker that the machine rotated and a loaf stack that blew hay into a wagon. Both disappeared as stupid farmers and ranchers discovered how efficient round bales were. 

I'm still pissed off in my Beloved Uncle's was just gone to the renter, because the reason I want one, is there is always loose hay cut in ditches, and as I still have a hay bucker (an attachment to a loader tractor that you can buck loose hay up with.) My intentions is to fill this up with waste hay and I do not have to piss around getting it baled or begging someone to do it.

I just have to put a running gear on the one I acquired for 20 bucks, a running gear are the wheels and the frame.

Below is a round bale feeder. I have one of those too, but it is buried in old feed and shit. That has to be scooped out.

Richard and Stephanie did send me a photo a Long Horn feeder in they just have U pipes on top, because the Long Horns can not get their heads between the little bars of polled or dehorned cattle. That was the first one of them I had ever seen.

Think of this as a lesson in those who know it all, because in a world without e cars that work and no fuel for your vehicle, you are going to need horses and they will need feed. I doubt round bales will survive, but loose hay will, which is why I have even some hog panels from JYG that I have to pick up yet, to use as feeders. That damn nun though influenced JYG to not get it done. she is removed now so no more hindering.

That is the lesson on hay feeders.

Nuff Said
