It will cost you 5 trillion dollars to screw me, but you better make it quick,
because if you last longer than 30 seconds the exchange rate will make this a
quadrillion dollar fuck. You should have switched to the Digi Dollar!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There has been much praise of Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota vetoing a bill that was written as a two edged sword. Noem by vetoing this bill will put South Dakotans into a position of not having any way to buy or sell in what is coming. I am not advocating this Digi Dollar, but this has been thought out on every level and Noem playing for Trump's VP, in both are stooges of the global order of pedos is not something to follow over the cliff.
If this bill had been signed as other Reagan Blue States will pass these measures, it will outlaw all other crypto trade. You have been told the crypto was only an intelligence operation to bankrupt Peking and Moscow, and now the reality is appearing that this e currency will be banned. That was a requirement the Fed made in the Silicon Bank sell one buying these assets would be allowed to trade in e coins. That is what is coming.
Central Bank Digital Currency Digi Dollar. You need a mocking word for this currency and that is why I use Digi Dollar as no one can remember CBDC as a name as that is meant to be confusing to all of your minds. Digi Dollar will resonate and people will know what it is and mock it in it's use. That is the first step to resist this ending of the Dollar as printed by Congress.
Meet you on the other side.
Along with the effort to collapse the dollar and our banking system, the tyrants are also pushing legislation that can allow CBDCs to exist legally and without competition. This is being done in a VERY sneaky way because of the massive political opposition to anything CBDC-related. At this point, the major focus is on passing state-level legislation - particularly in a number of key RED states. Bills are being pushed that appear innocuous but are written to create a check-mate situation when CBDCs come into play. That way these red states won’t be able to oppose it.
When it comes to who is behind the push to sneak CBDC legislation on the state level we need look no further than the Uniform Law Commission (the “ULC”… stinking lawyers).
Here’s a link you can follow to see where this crew is pushing state law.
The response from many lawmakers when people are questioning these bills is that it is conspiracy theory to suggest these UCC bills will facilitate CBDC.
Here is a link to one of the authors of the bills telling you it is about CBDC (fast forward to about 46 or 47 minutes in); you should save a copy of this video quickly - I’m guessing it will disappear soon.
You can find additional information here from the South Dakota Freedom Caucus (they did great work shining light on the bill Kristi Noem just vetoed - saving South Dakota).
The ULC is promoting bills that would change the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) to ensure that states have state law that is prepared to deal with CBDC.
These same bills would also ban any current forms of crypto like Bitcoin as a competitor for CBDC. These UCC changes reflect the state law changes to meet the goals laid out by the Fed (here’s an overview) and are fully laid out in this fun document.
Bills promoting these changes are pushing through hard red state such as Missouri (HB1165), Oklahoma (HB2776), Texas (SB2075), and Tennessee (SB479/HB640). They are also in a ton of other states and need to be stopped in all of them.
We know the time frame in this now in it will be July that the Digi Dollar is enacted. That is why the blitz of bills have appeared to provide platforms for this illegal e currency. Do it in solvent Republican States where the money is, and you gain control over the assets and control over those people being erased and replaced by Mexican slave labor.
Be warned, just because these bills are not passed, does not mean they will not be implemented on a federal level which is where John Thune was pushing this with Marxists last session. In an economic meltdown, all of these GOP governors like Noem will be crucified as as the bank ownership along with credit card companies will claim that old Dollar accounts are not secure due to Dollar declines and only the Digi Dollar commodity will be accepted as payment.
They have us by both the short and curly ends, so do not think there are heroes or scapegoats in this. This is coming and it will be foisted on everyone.
I have no suggestions for you people with money, as hey you got the money in luxury and left me poor without money. We have prepared as you should have, and learned that you need God in everything, even flour or the mice will get into it.