Monday, March 27, 2023

The Mitch


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a rather bizarre series of events which were not noted as Tennessee had some active shooter operating, GOPliter Mitch McConnell of the US Senate after a week of extensive therapy for having brain damage, returned home to take up work again. He immediately sat down for an interview with FOX News and began saying some odd things.

The first which came to light, was that he was now Joe Biden.

McConnell then stated that he could make a face which made him look like Attorney General Merrick Garland, and that he could be president and attorney general at the same time.

McConnell then said he was going on the road to do stand up comedy as the new Chevy Chase.

The interview then ended when McConnell started making claims that he was sending himself to Ukraine as a Blackhawk helicopter and that he was an ICBM missile set to launch.

Not being a physician, the Lame Cherry believes that Mr. McConnell, should perhaps receive the same treatments which Dictator Biden has been self administering as with Biden's brain damage, he seems to be doing better all the time.

Nuff Said
