As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a line in the sand post due to the bastardization of ZeroHedge prima dona, Mike Snyder in posting "christian" things which the uninformed are clueless about.
His latest post was The Three Wars of the Apocalypse.
That all sounds Biblical, but it is not. His wars are Russia vs America, Iran vs Israel and America vs China.
The term Apocalypse means REVEALING, meaning the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John when John was on the island of Patmos. No where in the Book of Revelation is there a war between America and Russia or China. Nowhere is there a war between Iran and the Jewish state. To be correct, the House of Israel is led by America and England, and there is no place in the Revelation of war between them and Iran.
Jesus stated there would be wars and rumors of wars in his outline of what would be the Revelation in Matthew 24 in the New Testament. That does not mean those wars may happen, but they are not in the Book of Revelation as there is a warning to ADDING TO THE CONTENT OF THIS BOOK as it will add the bad things of the book to that person.
I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book.
The Book of Revelation is an expanded time line of the Old Testament Prophets such as Daniel. We find references in Revelation to wars and conflicts in greater detail in the Prophets, but again they are not the wars that Mike Snyder just blasphemed about.
We know the anti Christ subdues 3 leaders. We know he invades the Mideast. We know that tidings out of the north trouble him. We know that a major gathering of battle takes place just north of Jerusalem called in Hebrew, Armageddon on the Plains of Sharon. We know that after all of this, in 1000 years, that God destroys personally the invading armies of Gog and Magog as they move to attack the Promise Land.
And he shall gather them together into a place, which in Hebrew is called Armagedon. ... And they gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew ...
I have posted on the Bohemian seers which are interesting in they hint at what Snyder has listed above. They though are not in the Bible and not absolute source material. They provide a time line of events for when the Bible revelations manifest.
Just please do not be swept up in all of this toxic hyper storying. You are going to know when bad things happen and not have to wonder about things. It is going to be obvious in days of darkness and Wormwood, not man made events.
A remnant will survive as we have before. I believe I will survive, but if God has other plans, I accept that and am confident I have a place with Him. It is win win so I do not worry about things like that as a Protestant Christian. Just stop worrying about the big things and you should not worry about the small things in having food and shelter, be content. The big things are liberating as with big events, these evil regimes and cartels are not going to be focused on the mouse that is you.
It should not matter to you if the toxic metro areas are torched because you do not live there. That is what war is. You should not be in the military knowing how woke it is and no one should support that as a Protestant Christian. So what is blowing up what somewhere is of no importance to you anymore than if it is thundering in Athens Georgia. The world is a big place. Your odds are good just like a mouse in a tornado of surviving.
You could also remember that no weapon formed against thee shall prosper. St. Paul speaks about poisons even, so even radiation is not going to harm a Protestant Christian. That does not mean go drink the stuff, but it means that you do have protections and common sense.
So do not be led astray for your lack of knowledge. Do not be like the stupid photo Snyder has in his page of a family holding hands as a nuke goes off. Who the hell does that stupid shit? Your retina will melt from the bright light and you would be blind and you would get burned and radiation poisoning. Normal people run for their lives like mice and hide.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said