Sunday, April 16, 2023

Be less fruitful and HAARPaply


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The HAARPers did a fast melt for flooding in the High Plains, and followed up with a reinforcing shot of cold sink into Wisconsin, to keep that river system critical. This will take weeks to flow south.

A large swath of Wisconsin could get 6 to 10 inches of snow, with some areas seeing closer to a foot   abc 

It is raining in the Rockies in Canada and Idaho, to prove the point of how hot the atmosphere is. Note the rotation in Minnesota and Wisconsin. This band moved as a SNAKE shape over the Mississippi yesterday, and then began the rotation at the headwaters

All winter HAARP jet hosed this system pulling cold and moisture to flood the Dakotas. This passed over the plains with barely a skiff of snow.

In analysis of the snow samples. This snow did not have half the moisture of normal snow. Yes it flooded but that was not as much water as there should have been. This is chem snow.

I can tell you something else about this snow. When snow melts in North America, it gets very slimy in the ground, due to freezing and thawing in the natural crystals are lubricants. This snow has done nothing but firm up the soil, like rain does in tamping the ground down.

I read once that in Africa in the jungle, the coffee plantations depleted all the soil there in a few years, and due to not dry matter and a high metal content in the soil, the soil turned into hard balls. These chemicals and metals in this snow ARE BINDERS to the soil structure. They are making the farming soil less arable it appears and more compact. That is not good for growing food or sprouting plants.

These are Lame Cherry exclusives. Am certain of the data.

The Lame Cherry prediction is, that there will not be a great deal of rain in this region from now on, meaning just enough to keep things damp, but with high winds things do dry out, but not enough, so that wheat will not be planted. HAARP has killed the bread wheat crop this year just as it killed the California truck market crops.

It is going to warm up very quick into summer temperatures, not spring, in the next weeks, once this window for planting wheat ends. High heat will keep any attempts at planting wheat stifled.  May and June will be very warm and quite dry. There will be super storms dropping rain bombs on these areas.

I'm not inquiring on that, and not a seer. I just have read what these weather mods are posting as cover for what is going to be generated. They will blame El Nino, but this is HAARP.

It is snowing in Minnesota and Wisconsin........there is ice and rain further north in Quebec. Trudeau is going after the Quebecois as the Germans and Scandinavian Christians are being thinned in this American region.

Nice fruitful childbearing hips.

Nuff Said
