Ja ja, I am sexy Gunther. Do not nuke me Boris as it was John Bull
who blew your pipe with the damn Ole of Norway for Jahn Cheese.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Germany, Sweden, Denmark Step Up
Cooperation On Nord Stream Investigation
So the Germans, Swedes and Danes are afraid of getting nuked. Their axis is now going to root out the blame in this, as this set up took place on German waters. MI6 just tried to get the Germans blamed, the same way MI6 tried to get the Americans nuked in that Seymor Hersch article leak. Now the Norwegians are guilty and scared and trying to shift the blame to the Brits, as everyone guilty is trying to blame the MI6 CIA Nazis of Kiev in their special operations terror group.
This is what will crack NATO open and that is why the cartel set all the parties up in this.
Nuff Said