Yes it was Betty Ford who first unleashed the Massachusetts girl scouts
as espionage masters by providing them with intelligence clearance to know who shot JFK
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Of course I believe that a flap from the National Guard, had access to the briefing files prepared for Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, because Massachusetts and all National Guard units have access to intelligence files.
They were, he recalled, what appeared to be near-verbatim transcripts of classified intelligence documents that OG indicated he had brought home from his job on a “military base,” which the member declined to identify. OG claimed he spent at least some of his day inside a secure facility that prohibited cellphones and other electronic devices, which could be used to document the secret information housed on government computer networks or spooling out from printers. He annotated some of the hand-typed documents, the member said, translating arcane intel-speak for the uninitiated, such as explaining that “NOFORN” meant the information in the document was so sensitive it must not be shared with foreign nationals.
Yes I believe all of this, because we were told there were photos of documents posted, and now we are being told that this was impossible, because the base did not allow cell phone access, and this flap apparently hand copied, verbatim these transcripts.
Yes an invitation only, closed site that worships only guns, camo clothes and God in that order, is of course where all of this was posted, according to the CIA Washington Post, after the CIA other platforms made the mistake of posting first that these documents were photographs.
So yes I believe this little boy and Massachusetts flaps, like all National Guard...........hell the girl scouts too have access to Pentagon top secret briefing papers.
Is anyone going to ask what the hell these shit hole bases were given access to anything for? This is all bullshit.......but I believe it of course in this flap did all of this.
Thank you Guards Genders for sharing with me the nuclear codes
to launch our missiles. You have all the top intel.