As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Just under a week ago, the Lame Cherry predicted these very tornadoes and destruction.
At Least Four Dead In Spate Of Severe Tornadoes
In AR, IL, IA, WI, MI And TN - Videos, Photos
4 Dead, Dozens Hospitalized As Massive Tornado
Rips Through Little Rock - Videos
Just to warn you, there will be another wave of HAARP destruction with massive storms in these same areas from Wednesday to Friday. The shift line or front line will not move north of the South until the mid part of April. No guarantees on that as the Great Plains is going to be kept cold sunk in not hyper cold, but colder than normal, which when you blend in the hot temperatures appearing on the Southern Plains in Oklahoma, that mix line will generate even more super tornadoes. You have not witnessed anything yet in storms east of the Mississippi River.
Now here is some data as I watch the Dakota lab experiment. Last night the temps were supposed to be in the teens. They were 15 degrees warmer. HAARP even with a cold sink, is losing control of the heat variant. Still when you mix 30 degrees with 80 degrees things get violent, and remember that June super storms are just 60 degree Canada cool with 80 degree Kansas warm. The line shift though in more warmth will drive this storm line further north. The Dakotas had blizzard thunderstorms yesterday. That is upper levels of heat generating that. The sun is working against HAARP.
What you need to be aware of is there are record setting snow packs in the North Plains. That will along with the Rockies produce massive river wilding as Obama unleashed in 2009 in this same region. Yes it is weather terrorism, but that is what half of this was about. California crops to be destroyed, and now the wheat will not be planted in this plains region. This is an attack on food supply as it is April 1st, and wheat should be planted in just 17 days. That will not happen with another massive storm dumping heavy snow in the region and even with a fast melt, that ground still has to thaw and dry out as this all began with a rain storm last November that soaked the soil across the region.
By God's Grace I'm getting very good at predicting HAARP weather terrorism in knowing their next moves. It is pure evil, but I will remind the non donors, I have predicted your deaths for screwing me over, and as I keep being proven correct in only ways a Prophetess could predict things, you had better change or accept what is the end you have built.
You have had enough time to have the record of what you are really recorded, and now with the evidence in, I'm not standing on point anymore for you.
This is pretty much the way the weather is going to crank out, before the intense heating develops. See all that moisture dumped in the interior will be evaporating fueling these storms. This is a true genocide of America and only this blog is reporting it.
Nuff Said