Friday, April 7, 2023

Obidiah the Prophet


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that this summer has not been the most pleasant as I type this last winter, as I reside in the past while in the future, and the time has appeared that the Day of the Lord is upon all the world. 

Obidiah he Prophet was sent with a message centered on Esau, or Turkey, due to their betrayal of the sons of Jacob. There is a coming obliteration of the Turks and somewhere in this before the wasting of America and the West, there will be the use of both houses to incinerate in God's Judgment on the select few.

Obadiah the Prophet

15For the Day of the LORD is near

for all the nations.

As you have done, it will be done to you;

your recompense will return upon your own head.

16For as you drank on My holy mountain,

so all the nations will drink continually.

They will drink and gulp it down;

they will be as if they had never existed.

17But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance,

and it will be holy,

Nations will disappear and so will peoples. It will seem like after the Deluge of Noah in the land swept over with fire and the inhabitants few and the surprise of the survivors many.

That is the way it is so far in this End Times come.

Nuff Said
