Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Chemtrail Glow

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While most of you are afraid of the dark, I spend a great deal of time in the dark at night, as where else would I be in the dark, having a brilliantly Inspired mind?

There is something which has changed this past year which I mentioned to JYG and it is odd and not being reported.

In the Brier, we used to be able to see the Milky Way and stars, all of them. We have something else now with these LED lights being replaced in all of these cities. and that is I am ringed here by glowing infernos at night. This is not our main towns, but truck stops,  Amish enclaves and places which just have a bar. I can even see 50 miles away to a quite large city for here, in 30,000 people in this glow on the horizon that looks like someone has a mirror about 1000 feet up that is reflecting that light.

What I'm witnessing is yes, the LED's being replaced, but these LED's apparently are reflecting all that Dana Wigginton metals in the Chemtrails being sprayed. This is a metal mirror that just hangs in the sky and makes thee most bizarre features. It looks like the after blast of a nuclear detonation in the first seconds. 

I honestly did try and take a cell phone grab of this, but all I could get was the neighbor's yard light two miles away. I simply am surrounded by this now and I do mean surrounded as the way it worked out here, is I'm about 10 miles no matter which way I go away from some kind of settlement. How this clay knob could be that perfectly aligned and why is just a random chance, but it makes going someplace an expedition. I have always wondered what it would have been like to have been a few miles to town, instead of a half hour or having to ride that damned school bus for an hour each way five days a week.

My old man, who tried to burn down the school, had to walk a whopping quarter mile. I told him once I would rather walk to school and he spouted off about riding that nice bus. I looked at him and told him in no uncertain terms that I would rather walk to school  five miles than ride that damned school bus.

Odd thing about my old man. He knew I meant it and never said a word. He seemed to always know that I meant every blessed word I said and that I would stand my ground. I did jump back the time he was going to pop me for calling him a "dumb ass", as I am not a dumb ass to stand there and get popped by a man. He was a dumb ass though as he kept telling me to hook this trailer up and the pin would not fit in the draw bar. Man would not listen, but then he was kind of out of it on heart meds or drunk some times so things were not that clear to him, but they sure were clear to me in what a dumb ass he could be.

So that is the report. LED street lights are glowing off the metal chem trails. I don't like it as it gets in the way of the stars and it looks like nuclear bombs have gone off.

Nuff Said
