It's just my cut.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The problem with the historian is that they reveal the same facts which damn their argument.
- Lame Cherry
I have been reading the history according to African transplanted White Priv, Peter Hathaway Capstick and his wife Fiona, concerning a long forgotten soldier of the empire in Richard Meinertzhagen. Yes he sounds German, because he as Saxon and had relatives still banking in Germany.
Few know that Meinertzhagne was one of the founders of the state of Israel in 1948, so much so he had heated discussions with Winston Churchill and the entire Foreign Office who according to Capstick were anti Semite. anti semite in this definition meant that London was not going to antagonize the Arab majority for a Jewish minority.
We need though to not fall into the trap of the word "Jew", as we are discussing here Ashkenaz Asians who are converts to a form of Jewish religion which appeared in the exile out of Arab Babylon in the Talmud. Meinertzhagen though was the first British Zionist and was a confederate of Chaim Weitzman, again a friend of the Ashkenaz as long as Meinertzhagen was promoting the Jewish state, if Meinertzhagen had been pro Arab, the Ashkenaz would have put a bullet in his brain.
Richard Meinertzhagen actually met the German Foreign Secretary in Ribbentrop, and from this first meeting, he was to meet personally with Adolf Hitler 3 times by request. So the inside reality of this information is factual and not hearsay so much to the point that in the last meeting Meinertzhagen took along a pistol in which he could state that he could have assassinated Hitler and Ribbentrop.
It was though this bit of information which Capstick and Meinertzhagen produced which they had no idea what it meant, or they would not have shared it. The quote is below.
Page 266
By May 1935.....
They were increasingly barred from all avenues of life as normal citizens of Germany and were not allowed to emigrate with all their money and possessions to Palestine.
Warrior The Legend of Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen
Peter Hathaway Capstick
I put the important part so you would notice it, in, "Jews" the Ashkenaz could have left Germany by the boatloads in 1935, if they would have just left behind German money and property. Their 30 pieces of silver were more important than their lives. That is where their loves rested.
Some Jews did get out by ship, and Frank Roosevelt like all other nations refused to let them into America. The reason being, most were the "tired and poor" who were not so tired and poor, that they did not have guns and communist organizations which were murdering government leaders like the Czar in Russia. That is where all the American "union" and organized labor problems began in America, it was Ashkenaz communists.
Adolf Hitler is quoted as raging about the Ashkenaz during world war one, amassing fortunes in Germany, in finance, medical, legal and they controlled the media. It was this well funded group who brought about the end of the Kaiser in the leftist coup from inside, and doomed Germans to starvation and enslavement to the allies in reparations.
For those who still think the Germans are beasty about money and Jewry, the Soviets would not allow any citizen leaving to take money out of Russia. It would bankrupt the nation. Germany was already suffering out of a super depression by the allied looting of Germany and allowing Ashkenaz to loot Germany in leaving would have ruined Germany to be overthrown by the communists.
Again, if you require a reminder, Barack Hussein Obama, that nobel prize winner with Eric Holder were passing laws and tracking down Americans and their offshore bank accounts. See even in America, you can not leave with your own property. That is German socialism and that is American socialists.
Meinertzhagen though continued on the discussions and the Germans yielded on the Jewish issue to not just allow them to take their money out of Germany, but the Germans were allowing schools so Ashkenaz could learn Hebrew and learn a skill like farming. Oh yes, that is something which no one has recorded in history in the Ashkenaz could not even speak the language of Palestine and they were unskilled people who did not have any skills, so no nation wanted them, including the British who were in control of Palestine.
This is information from the British Zionist father of the Jewish state. He was dealing with the Germans as negotiator for the Ashkenaz in Germany. The Ashkenaz could have emigrated out of Germany by 1935 if they had not loved money more than life, German money that was German in who they took it from. The Ashkenaz could have left Germany after 1935 AD in the year of our Lord, if they had learned a trade as Germany had schools and Germany had apprenticeships, but they would not educate themselves, even though as Meinertzhagen stated and Capstick records that Jews have intelligence, the Arabs intrigue, but there should not be any Muslimphobe judgement be placed on this as this is all kosher to stereotype lesser peoples as long as .........
Well as the Jews are very intelligent, but no one has explained why being so intelligent they never invested the time in schooling so they could make a living in Palestine.
If Capstick and St. Martin's Press had realized what they had recorded that content would have been edited it does not fit the official sanctioned history of the holocaust. History is always more interesting of a discussion when one has all the facts.
Like Meinertzhagen was there with the Ashkenaz irregulars, dressed in a British uniform which he had borrowed, at age 71, murdering Arabs fighting for their lands, which had been turned over to a better banking structure, as the Ashkenaz would bring civilization to the Mideast.
Tel Aviv is a socialist state in the kibbutz. It is a police state in their brutal control. It is Christophobe and Muslimphobe. Tel Aviv was a welfare state taking billions in American aid, even after they started running dope shipments into America, including being the manufacturers of Ecstasy. That all changed under Barack Obama who hired genius Ashkenaz computer programmers to infiltrate American threads to stifle debate and create viruses to destroy the Iranian nuclear program. As a reward, just as Bill Clinton used an Ashkenaz money launderer named Marc Rich, to launder millions of dollars that Saddam Hussein bribed Bill Clinton with to stay in power. That long line of money management had the Mosaad off the PROMIS software take a cut out of every transaction on Wall Street, which ended the Knesset always being short of funds for it's projects. So that is now how Tel Aviv is funded.
If this is what Richard Meinertzhagen thought civilization should look like, then he got the world that he set out to hand it over to.
Nuff Said