Sunday, May 21, 2023

An Asp in your Blanket.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The arms of Russia and her European allies are impressive. These are the platforms which the fat fags of NATO are going to be facing, or be exterminated by. The Daggar Missile is simply impressive. Thee only counter measure for it, is to destroy the MIG which launches it, because after that, it is a Mach 4 craft moving to Mach 12. That is why the Patriot batteries are obsolete. To put it so you comprehend this, a Patriot is a shrapnel bomb. If a Patriot  blew up next to a Kinzhal missile, it would out fly the shrapnel as it is moving that fast. In order to defeat a Kinzhal, the detonation would have to be a mile in front of this missile, and the missile would have to fly into the shockwave and the shrapnel. As the Kinzhal is so small, it probably would survive even that counter measure.

"According to verified information, as a result of a strike by the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system in the city of Kiev a multifunctional radar station, as well as five launchers of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system manufactured by the United States were hit and completely destroyed on May 16, 2023," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The following are Belarussian investions. I could see this anti aircraft platform as just the thing that dictators would enjoy for crowed control measures. It is Roman Empire lovely in having streets with high buildings, central squares for grouping where this anti aircraft system would be deployed horizontally. This is the ulimate crowd control. Nancy Pelosi would have relished such a weapon for  January 6th attendees.

This is what troubles me, in Belrussia is turning out these drones below. Helo Drones. As they have this system and it is armed, I wonder how many American paratroopers will end up blown to bits by such a weapon. This is the ultimate assassination tool to wipe out divisions of soldiers, in their trenches. This thing could pick off troops in fox holes and they would be dead before they knew it. Humans are obsolete instruments when compared to this kind of weapon.

It is always in the details that the disturbing things appear. Belarussia has advanced medical equipment to keep troops alive. That kind of front line care is an attention to detail that one does not witness at arms shows, and yet a Russian ally, is paying attention to the details. That is what America is going to face. that kind of detail, while Russia and allies, are involved in obliterating the American attention to detail, so their troops suffer and die for days in the field as thee weapons mow down more Americans.

Warfare is now deadly like an asp in your blanket.

Nuff Said
