Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Graduated Nuklear


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is obvious now in the question..........let me digress.

Intelligence analysis, is not all satellites, AI data sifting and calculations, Star Trek tech, but is just tedious examination of human generated existence. In forensic psychology of which the Lame Cherry is a pioneer, I have told you that people always tell you what they are thinking, whether lying or telling the Truth, whether the subject they are talking about or not, they will tell you what is prominent in their mind.

Read the statement by two American wokesters in Dictator Biden and one of the stooges.

We know that America was not going to supply fighter aircraft to Kiev. We know that now F 16's are about to appear in Ukraine for the war against Russia.

Ask yourself why?

Why now?

Do not bother with answers as this is intelligence analysis of data. This is about projections.

Now read what Jake Sullivan, a Rainbow Warrior stated. I have highlighted in RED the pertinent part. Now ask yourself again, WHY NOW? Sullivan stated classified intelligence on American projected policy. Sullivan stated the time was NOT YET RIGHT for F 16's, but that projects the time will be right for Kiev Nazi to have American advanced fighter jets, not stealth jets, but the 1970s' General Dynamics F 16, the greatest tactical fighter created.

During the G7 summit in Japan, US President Joe Biden told his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy that the US, along with its partners, was going to launch a training program for Ukraine’s military pilots on the fourth generation fighter aircraft including F-16s. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Saturday that the time was yet not right for Kiev to have F-16s, adding that the US and its allies were going to decide which countries would supply these aircraft to Kiev and in what number.

Now the Russians have stated that they will blow these F 16's out of the sky as they have blown MIG's out of the sky. Their SAM systems are more than capable of neutralizing this weapon platform.

What NATO has been engaged in, is attempting not to just degrade Russian abilities, but to test Russian advanced weapons. Russia has been successful in this education of enticement to entice Russia to become more aggressive.

The Rainbow Warrior Jake Sullivan could in arrogance be feeding Russia manipulative information. This wokester could also have revealed what is a fact, in there is a time line in this, and that time is a graduated and escalation for the defeat and fragmentation of Russia. This is cartel design. Kiev is to become a NATO outpost, but not before it fulfills it's strategic position.

A projection can be made on this data. It is based in the nuclear war lust or London to use Slavs as fodder as they did the Balkans and Poland. It is more than King Chuck's depleted uranium. That was a step to entice Moscow. This is about the British, French, Italian, Storm Shadow, cruise missile. It is a cruise missile with a nuclear warhead.

Like the F 35 being a suicide nuclear bomb, the F 16 with European nuclear cruise missiles will project to be a nuclear suicide delivery system for Kiev into Russia.

We know more of this time line.

Meet you on the other side.

May 12, 2023 ... The missiles can carry various warheads, such as conventional explosives, cluster munitions and nuclear warheads. Storm Shadow / SCALP EG has ...

The Rainbow Warrior Sullivan, has stated revised American policy. Crimea is now a target. This is an escalation. An escalation which Russia will respond to. An escalation in the time line to entice Russia. F 16's will appear and the question in this simple, that you may now answer.

The root question is, how long will it now take for the Kiev Nazi to take their salt mine nuclear assemblage to complete the manufacture of an advanced nuclear warhead which will be mounted on a Storm Shadow?

That is not the question alone. The question is the strategic projection of how many nuclear warheads will be required to bring about the neutralization and fragmentation of Russia, but containing this nuclear war into a regional nuclear war, which America has withdrawn from START treaties in order to produce more nuclear weapons, as a check against this Kiev Moscow nuclear war.

This has always been the long chain projection after Russia was enticed into liberating the Donbass.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
