Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Happy Gardening

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is May 23rd and HAARP has succumbed to the natural drought cycle in the Brier is hot and dry. We are parched and look something like the end of the world. We have had immense smoke from some big fires blowing out of Canada, so each day looks sick and dead. It is good preparation for the End Times.  We still were almost 90 today in the shade with this scorching heat. The Brier has returned to the desert she always has been.

Our wheat is in, up and looks good. We planted corn, carrots, chard and pole beans today. The subsoil is still wet and quite cool. Grandma Deloris always said to plant your garden on the 25th as that remedied things freezing off.

We put in a patch of things over on Grandpas, as Richard reminded me by asking, which I'm thankful for, as I tend to try and talk myself into not doing things. Now though I"m like a jungle bunny smiling under the bushes, as I hope the best for the garden over there as it is something which speaks of life and I always enjoy that.

I'm still busy as busy, six weeks behind due to late winter. We are though getting to the point of as I told TL, that we are at the "things we should do this week" ,instead of the constant, "I should have did that two weeks ago.

Is hard to remember how shitty winter was and deadly.  The dead animals are losing their aroma, and the grass is covering them in growing taller. I hope someone leaves me a ranch or hunting lodge out west. I would probably winter over there.

I'm writing for July about a new find that God put into our path, a Ford F 250 which the Indians had, got ahold of and went on a rampage against. She is beat to hell our Silly Pony, but I like her, because I figure now by God telling me in a thread I was reading what the purpose of this 1970 girl is for. See Ford made pick ups for farmers. Oil companies sold farmers shit gas, for their Farmall and John Deere tractors which would burn sludge basically. That 360 V 8 in this pick up with carburetor is designed to run on things that modern engines can not swallow. Come a few years into the End Times when all that gas is old gas, this old girl is going to be running along without any problems. She has a ways to go yet in even to the running phase, but I believe she is fit and will run, as the guy quit licensing her when he was 75.....he just crapped out in life probably, and the papoose did not want to deal with this old girl, so she got sold to a wrecker, where she got sold to a car crusher, where God put her into my care.

I remind you, if it is possible for you, to get yourself these old contraptions, whether Farmall (I have no experience on vintage John Deere with flywheels.) or some old Ford.  I would dearly love a 1966 F 100, but this is what God put in my vision. 

If you can not afford, at least figure out where the rich people keep their old vehicles so when they die, you can go get a ride. I read in one thread that Ford puts out carb kits so you can burn ethanol in these carbs and they do not eat the rubber diaphragm.

So Gardening is good. I enjoyed the invention of the electric conversion roto tiller more than the gardening this year. Was pleased and relieved that God directed and it all works better than a gas engine. I still want another one to fix up as a spare as there are lights in my End Times life, and  what else can I do but prepare.

Met a rather intellectual couple at a garage sale. We got a pile of free books which will have me in reading material for years, all non fiction which is what I prefer. Got a 20 dollar ice fishing house too to take TL fishing as I did promise.

I'm currently doing a load of laundry and then will shower. The second load is a pile of clothes I found. I have been educated that cat piss and mouse piss are both sticky stuff. A real put off in clothing. Learning allot of vermin lessons, more than I ever thought I would learn.

Tomorrow it is off to JYG's to talk to him about a shop I intend to get from him and to see if I can entice him into letting me borrow his pressure washer and what he knows about dealing with a key that is gone in an old pick up and everyone says  to drill it out. I'm hoping he has some criminal idea or a pile of old keys I can try in this Ford as why in the hell people take the keys out of a vehicle is  beyond me. I mean who in Indian country is going to steal a vehicle that even an Indian does not want?

OK I better close as am on the last spin and I really need to unwind for preparations of what is coming. Is better as I found my summer clothes. Shorts and no sleeves. Have had nothing but heavy T shirts which have been cooking me like........I was being roasted.

God bless the Good.

Nuff Said

