Monday, May 22, 2023

How Does the Lame Cherry Garden Grow


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Plans are plans and I always have plans and adventures.

This year, providing the Lord allows me to mount an electric motor on an ancient rototiller, I will be able to churn up the gumbo sands of eternity in the garden much to my delight and the hope of not hitting any boulders the size of cows with the contraption.

My choices of vegetables this year are mostly proven in years past.

Simple list really.

Too many tomatoes in Red Fig, Reisentraube, a Ukrainian thing and perhaps something that might grow.

Melons are Collective Farm, Petite Grey and Black Rock.

Cukes will be German

Corn will be a Black Jade, Bantam and my surviving stores if they sprout.

Trying a LaSoda red and a Yukon gold potato.

Red lettuce of course and white radish.

Armenian cukes as they grow like weeds and are dependable.

Yes a few  broc, cauliflower and cabbage.

Think Imperator carrot and Detroit Dark Red beet, if they grow this year.

Sunshine squash and a pumpkin of not disclosed name.

Am trying a pole bean from Kentucky........well see. My German purple bean has been tried and it is true.

I will be pleased if my seeds are all sprouted by now and that I can wait for warm enough weather to make things grow all in a row. In the Brier, I once sprouted carrots on two warm days in April. I also ended up freezing off most of my tomatoes on May 15th, under plastic cover. As Gramma Bowland always said (Not my Gram), plant your garden in the Brier on May 25th. I may plant, but I tend to sow most things in cups and sprout them long before.

Had a cherry of year one May 1st in putting out my Collective Farm Woman plants.  Got piles of melons. I just left them on the lawn, they never rotted.........were absolutely superb.

I have a few more things I will plant in a mock chard that is better than chard as real chard gives me gut trouble. Do not much like it cooked either. That leaves me my weeds to harvest like lambsquarter, providing I can find the spot that God planted them this year.

Those are some suggestions. Already am dreading fall and winter and have not planted a thing.

Nuff Said
