Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Corpse who Raped again


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think the below statistic is a bit shy, as it seems that Matt Dillon is getting shot every 3 episodes over 20 years, and if he is not being shot then it is Festus or Burke, or, Doc getting beat up and almost dead.

Marshall Trimble, the board president of the Arizona Historical Society and vice president of the Wild West History Association, documented that Matt Dillon’s TV character was shot at least 56 times, knocked unconscious 29 times, stabbed three times, and poisoned once.

I am not well versed on Gunsmoke movies, as I did not pay much attention like Star Trek after the first one. So when I saw that Mannon was back, "The product of the devil's loins", I did a double take as I just watched that episode.

See Mannon burned down Kansas with Quantrels raiders. He appears in this by shooting Festus, steals Ruth, rides into Dodge and .........only Newly the fag wants to back shoot the guy to get rid of him as he is faster than Marshal Dillon. 
Doc of course said that could not be done. Something about fairness. Yeah some friend that is as I want the fag who will shoot the crook in the back to save my life.

Anyway, Mannon rapes Miss Kitty as he is Irish and says that once they get to know each other she will like him and he belittles the town drunk...........well the whole town.

So Miss Kitty spurns her rapist, and this of course jitters Mannon, who misses shooting at whiskey glasses and being spurned is such an ordeal that this will give Matt Dillon the edge in the gun fight to come.

OK so the gun fight comes and Mannon blasts Dillon and drops him to the street. All are aghast, Mannon walks away, Dillon revives, calls out Mannon's name as you have to be fair, and plugs Mannon who lays dead in the street. All gather around  Matt as Miss Kitty walks over and talks to the corpse about what a man Matt Dillon is.

Festus has just disappeared from the entire episode.

That is why Return to Dodge baffled me, as Mannon is in prison for 12 years, alive and gets released. Yes the dead guy got better and he swears revenge, which apparently is beating up Miss Kitty and raping her again.

Steve Forest does a great job as Mannon by the way, but he was dead, and like on Star Trek he comes back to life.

Makes no sense, and I have not watched the movie, but I thought this was like his brother or something as that would make sense..........nope is the dead guy.

I also do not understand all these shoulder shots killing people. I know there is a big artery there, but that shot kills more people than a heart shot..........well sometimes, it just all depends of they want them back in for the next episode.

Speaking of which, like season 14 gets really bad as the same actors keep being reused every other episode and most of them get shot and die, but come back as new characters. I like the episode last night as Bruce Dern, Vic Tabak and the Professor from Gilligan's Island were on as the bad guys. They were really great, even the Professor.

Louie had some great Shakespearean lines for a town drunk too.

Anyway that is the story on the dead guy coming back to life to rape Miss Kitty as second time.......which could have all been avoided if we were not Doc fair and Newly the fag had shot the murdering terrorist in the back.

Nuff Said
